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25 Декабря 2012

Декабрьское предложение от Информационного агентства Credinform: 30% скидка на маркетинговые обзоры!
При покупке любого из предложенных только в декабре 2012г. исследований Вы сэкономите тысячи рублей, воспользовавшись скидкой 30%.

11 Января 2010

Антикризисная оперативная сводка по рынку очистных сооружений
Аналитическим подразделением ИА «Трейд.Су» - агентством «Бизнес-Монитор» был проанализирован рынок очистных сооружений Москвы, Московской области, а также Брянской, Калужской и Тверской областей.

26 Декабря 2009

Российский рынок мельниц для разрешения проблемы мокрой дезагрегации дисперсных частиц на протяжении 2007 - 2008 годов демонстрировал стабильную динамику развития. По сравнению с 2007г. рынок вырос примерно на 15%.
В развитии рынка мельниц в 2007 - 2008 годах действовал ряд тенденций и трендов: стабильно высокий спрос со стороны основных потребляющих отраслей (лакокрасочной, строительной, химической, рудной и нерудной, керамической).



Ukraine Market Overview of formwork and scaffolding 2011

География исследования: Украина
Количество страниц: 21
Стоимость, руб.: 29 900
Способ предоставления: электронный

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Кабинетное исследование на основании вторичных данных.
Основные источники: «Будмайстер», «Строительство и реконструкция», «ugmk.info», «Property Times», «Бизнес», Госкомстат, Таможня Украины
Содержание отчёта
  • 1. Market
    1.1 General description of the goods
    1.2. Market structure
    1.3. Review of legislation affecting the development of the market
    1.4. Market capacity and dynamics of development
    1.5. The analysis of export and import indicators on the market
    1.5.1. Analysis of import
    1.5.2. Analysis of export
    1.6. Market issues
    1.7. Market forecast for 2-3 years
    2. Competition
    2.1. Analysis of the competitive environment and key players
    2.2. Marketing policy
    2.3. Pricing policy
    3. Consumers
    3.1. Seasonality
    3.2. Consumption patterns
    3.3. Consumer preferences
    4. Applications
    5. List of sources
  • Pic. 1.2.1. - Market structure of formwork of Ukraine by type of construction
    in 2010,%,
    Pic. 1.4.1. - Dynamics of the Ukrainian market of building formwork
    in 2008-2010., $ million, million UAH.,
    Pic. 1.4.2. - The dynamics of the scaffolding market development in Ukraine
    in 2003-2009., sq.m,
    Pic. 1.4.3. - Dynamics of the Ukrainian market of scaffolding
    in 2008-2011., $ million, billion UAH.,
    Pic. 1.4.4. - Dynamics of the Ukrainian submarket scaffolding
    in 2009-2011., UAH mln.,
    Pic. – Dynamics of imports of formwork for concreting in Ukraine
    in 2006-2011., tons, thousand USD,
    Pic. – Geographic pattern of imports of formwork for concreting in Ukraine in 2010 (in quantitative terms),%,
    Pic. – Geographic pattern of imports into Ukraine formwork for concreting in 2010 (in monetary terms),%,
    Pic. – Structure of the import of the formwork for concreting to Ukraine in 2010 by importing companies (in quantitative terms),%,
    Pic. – Structure of the import of the formwork for concreting to Ukraine in 2010 by importing companies (in monetary terms),%,
    Pic. – Geographic pattern of import of equipment for metal scaffolding, formwork, props to the Ukraine in 2010 (in quantitative terms),%,
    Pic. – Geographic pattern of import of equipment for metal scaffolding, formwork, props to the Ukraine in 2010 (in monetary terms),%,
    Pic. – Structure import of equipment for metal scaffolding, formwork, shoring to Ukraine in 2010 by importing companies (in quantitative terms),%,
    Pic. – Structure import of equipment for metal scaffolding, formwork, shoring to Ukraine in 2010 by importing companies (in monetary terms),%,
    Pic. – Dynamics of exports of formwork for concreting from Ukraine in 2006-2011., tons, thousand USD,
    Pic. – Geographic pattern of Exports of formwork for concreting from Ukraine in 2010 (in quantitative terms),%,
    Pic. – Geographic pattern of Exports of formwork for concreting from Ukraine in 2010 (in monetary terms),%,
    Pic. – The structure of exports of formwork for concreting from Ukraine in 2010 for exporting companies (in quantitative terms),%,
    Pic. – The structure of exports of formwork for concreting from Ukraine in 2010 for exporting companies (in monetary terms),%,
    Pic. – The structure of export of equipment for metal scaffolding, formwork, shoring from Ukraine in 2010 by exporting companies (in quantitative terms),%
    Pic. – The structure of export of equipment for metal scaffolding, formwork, shoring from Ukraine in 2010 by exporting companies
    (in monetary terms),%,
    Pic. 2.1.1. – Structure of sales of vertical formwork on the Ukrainian market  in Ukraine in 2010,% (in quantitative terms),
    Pic. 2.1.2. – Structure of sales of building horizontal formwork on the Ukrainian market in Ukraine in 2010,%
    (in quantitative terms)
    Pic. 2.1.3. – The structure of the lease f vertical formwork at the Ukrainian market in Ukraine in 2010,% (in quantitative terms)
    Pic. 2.1.4. – The structure of the lease of building horizontal formwork at the Ukrainian market in Ukraine in 2010,% (in quantitative terms)
    Pic. 2.1.5. – Submarket structure of scaffolding on the players in Ukraine in 2010,% (in quantitative terms),
    Table. – Structure of the import of formwork for concreting in Ukraine in January-April 2011 by country, Kg, thousand USD
    Applications – Major operators.

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