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25 Декабря 2012

Декабрьское предложение от Информационного агентства Credinform: 30% скидка на маркетинговые обзоры!
При покупке любого из предложенных только в декабре 2012г. исследований Вы сэкономите тысячи рублей, воспользовавшись скидкой 30%.

11 Января 2010

Антикризисная оперативная сводка по рынку очистных сооружений
Аналитическим подразделением ИА «Трейд.Су» - агентством «Бизнес-Монитор» был проанализирован рынок очистных сооружений Москвы, Московской области, а также Брянской, Калужской и Тверской областей.

26 Декабря 2009

Российский рынок мельниц для разрешения проблемы мокрой дезагрегации дисперсных частиц на протяжении 2007 - 2008 годов демонстрировал стабильную динамику развития. По сравнению с 2007г. рынок вырос примерно на 15%.
В развитии рынка мельниц в 2007 - 2008 годах действовал ряд тенденций и трендов: стабильно высокий спрос со стороны основных потребляющих отраслей (лакокрасочной, строительной, химической, рудной и нерудной, керамической).


Продовольствие/ пищевая промышленность

Russian frozen bread and bakery foods market: state and development under crisis conditions.

География исследования: Россия
Количество страниц: 74
Стоимость, руб.: 30 000
Способ предоставления: электронный

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General conclusions:

Russian frozen bread and bakery foods market is rather young.
The capacity of frozen bread market has shown positive growth at level of 159.4% for last five years during 2003-2007. The market capacity increased at 101.9% in 2007 in comparison with 2006.
The capacity of frozen bakery foods market (various kinds of frozen dough, finished baking goods: shortcakes, rolls, covers, triangles, etc.) has increased in 1.4 times in kind since 2003 as of the beginning of 2008.
Development of frozen food market depends on considerable influence of crisis processes and great number of environmental factors. Note should be taken the consumption of common bakery foods sorts in Russia decreases at 1-3% annually that makes the frozen bread market attractive.
Potential basis for frozen grain products manufacture is enterprises of baking industry. There are registered about 860 ones in Russia. And, the greatest part of enterprises is located in the Central federal region. Majority of bakery products is made in two regions – in Central and Privolzhskiy region.
According to experts, approximately 5 large players are concentrated in the frozen bread market. Ones of the largest manufacturers in a frozen bakery foods segment are: Zvezdnyy (Moscow), Talosto, Khlebnyy Dom (Saint-Petersburg) and so on.
Consumers of frozen bread and bakery foods are both industrial consumers (HoReCA sector, street-food segment, public catering establishments, cafe, and restaurants) and individual consumers.
The greatest realization volume of frozen bread and bakery foods in Russia through channels of retail trade are grocery stores, markets and supermarkets.
In the near future, in spite of crisis, demand development for frozen bread and half-finished product is expected in regions and the largest cities of Russia. Positions will be reached by those operators financially steady against crisis who correspond in full to consumer expectations.
Therefore, market participants have started to realize projects for building of new capacities designed for frozen goods output. In turn, crisis can affect any phase of project: beginning from realization terms shift and project freezing to even full refusal of one. Application of necessary toolkit will allow reducing risks.
In Russia in developing crisis processes conditions it is very important for companies management and TOP-managers to include in anti-recessionary plan some measures that associated with increase of firm economic safety. Ones of such measures can be the following: companies detailed check with respect to reliability (legal status, financial figures, market position and etc.) not only own partners, but new clients, and also revelation and estimation of business competitors’ activities that it will allow to decrease uncertainty risks.
To assist in understanding of the Russian market participants, to check their reliability specially finance, and also for more information on participants of the Russian markets see created by «CredInform North-West» Branch Enterprises Databases and also Companies Directories.
More detailed information on any firm can be received on-line at Agency website where in accessible form reference company data is presented not only, but also in comparative form its financial figures, foreign economic activity data and etc.

Main research objectives are:

1. Economic activity estimation in terms of analysis of business processes occurring on the Russian frozen bread and bakery foods market.
The research period is 2003-2007.
2. Development trends revelation of the Russian frozen bread and bakery foods market, expediency definition and possibilities of investors penetrate to it in conditions of turbulent market environment.
The general trends and development forecasts of the Russian frozen bread and bakery foods market are considered over near-term outlook.

Information sources:

1. Reports of the Federal State Statistic Service, Ministry of Agriculture, and Russian Federal Customs Service.
2. Companies press releases, branch and expert estimations of mass-media.
3. Own informational resource and extensive enterprises database of Information Agency «CredInform North-West ».

Содержание отчёта
  • Contents:

    1. General characteristic of frozen bread and bakery foods market in Russia in 2007

    1.1. Market capacity of frozen bread and bakery foods
    1.2. Factors affecting the Russian frozen bread and bakery foods market development
    A. Role of bread in the Russian society.
    B. Industry legislation and regulation associated with bread.
    C. Negotiation process concerning a possible Russia's entry to the World Trade Organization.
    D. Price aspect.
    E. Manufacture volumes figures of baking industry.
    F. Population purchasing power.
    G. Competition level in the market.
    H. Frozen product advantages.
    I. Flour market environment in Russia.
    J. Crisis processes.

    2. Features of frozen bread and bakery foods market

    2.1. Manufacture of frozen bread and bakery foods
    2.2. Distribution organization of frozen bread and bakery foods
    2.3. Use of frozen bread and bakery foods in public catering
    2.4. Basic consumers groups of frozen bread and bakery foods
    - Corporate sector
    - Street-food segment
    - Individual consumers
    2.5. Analysis of estimations and participants opinions of frozen bread and bakery foods market

    3. Foreign trade turnover structure of frozen bread and bakery foods market

    3.1. Import of frozen half-finished dough products to Russia in 2007 (commodity groups 1905 and 1901200000)
    3.2. Export of frozen half-finished dough products from Russia in 2007 (commodity groups 1905 and 1901200000)

    4. Development prospects of frozen bread and bakery foods market

    5. Branch leading players characteristic of frozen bread and bakery foods market

    5.1. Leading manufacturers of frozen bread and bakery foods
    5.2. Basic foreign trade turnover operators of frozen bread and bakery foods

  • Tables:

    1.1. Manufacturers price index of bread and flour expandable confectionery products detailed on subjects of Russia in 2008(9)
    1.2. Manufacturers price index of dry bakery products and flour durable confectionery products detailed on subjects of Russia in 2008(9)
    1.3. Bread and bakery products manufacture detailed on regions of Russia in 2003-2007 & the 1st half-year 2008
    1.4. Bread and bakery products manufacture in the Central, Privolzhskiy and Northwest federal regions in January-September, 2008
    1.5. Monthly average nominal accounting salary of field employers detailed on regions of Russia in 2003-2007 & 2008(8)
    1.6. Average consumer prices of wheat flour
    1.7. Comparative price analysis of Russian grain as of October 5 2005; January 31, 2007; July 30, 2008 & October 15, 2008
    2.1. Production regions capacities of bakery products manufacture
    2.2. Russian leading baking enterprises detailed on federal regions
    2.3. Profitability figures of various kinds of bread manufacture
    2.4. Manufacturers of frozen half-finished dough products detailed by kinds of output
    2.5. Annual turnover figures (2005-2007) and profit margin (2007) of basic frozen bread and bakery foods manufacturers
    2.6. Distribution of frozen products through retail trade channels
    2.7. Leading restaurants and cafe in Russia (TOP 20)
    2.8. Leading hotels with restaurants in Russia (TOP 20)
    2.9. Estimation of project payback on autocafe opening
    3.1. Volumes and dynamics of foreign trade turnover of frozen bread and bakery foods in 2005-2008 (9)
    3.2. Foreign trade activities codes characteristic of commodity group «FROZEN BREAD AND BAKERY FOODS»
    3.3. Import and export deliveries volumes of frozen bread and bakery foods in 2007 according to foreign trade activities codes (commodity group 1905, 1901200000)
    3.4. Delivery volumes of frozen bread and bakery foods to Russia in 2007 detailed on countries consignors
    3.5. Import volumes of frozen half-finished dough products to Russia in 2007 detailed on consignees, ТОР-10 (in cost value)
    3.6. Delivery volumes of frozen bread and bakery foods from Russia in 2007 detailed on countries consignees
    3.7. Export volume of frozen bread and bakery foods from Russia in 2007 detailed on consignors, ТОР-20 (in cost value)


    1.1. Russian frozen bread market capacity in kind
    1.2. Russian frozen dough market capacity in kind
    1.3. Price trend of extra white bread & rolls and buns in 2008(8)
    1.4. Average consumer prices of white/rye bread and & rolls and buns in Russia during 2003-2007
    1.5. Consumers price index on bakery products and cereals in Russia and separate countries of the European union in June, 2008 (% by December, 2007)
    1.6. Baking ovens manufacture in 2006-2007, 2008(9)
    1.7. Bread and bakery products manufacture in Russia in 2003-2007
    1.8. Bread and bakery products manufacture in 2008 (January-September)
    1.9. Russian flour market capacity in 2003-2007 in kind
    1.10. Russian flour market capacity in 2003-2007 in cost value
    1.11. Basic consumer groups of flour in 2007 in kind
    1.12. Flour manufacture in Russia in 2003-2007
    1.13. Flour manufacture in Russia detailed on months in 2007 and 2008(9)
    1.14. Export/import of flour to Russia in 2003-2007
    2.1. Consumption by consumers and households of various kinds of frozen products in Russia in 2006-2007
    3.1. Proportion of import and export trend of frozen bread and bakery foods in 2005-2008(9) in kind and cost value
    3.2. Consignors countries geography of frozen bread and bakery foods to Russia in 2007, TOP 10 (in kind and cost value)
    3.3. Consignees countries geography of frozen half-finished dough products from Russia in 2007, TOP 10 (in kind and cost value)
    4.1. Russian frozen bread market capacity in 2008-2011 in kind
    4.2. Russian frozen bread market capacity in 2008-2011 in cost value
    4.3. Russian frozen bakery foods market capacity in 2008-2011 in kind
    4.4. Russian frozen bakery foods market capacity in 2008-2011 in cost value


    1. Example of the brief supplemental information on a company
    2. Analysis of financial figures of a firm "X"
    3. Analysis of foreign trade activities of a firm "X"

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