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25 Декабря 2012

Декабрьское предложение от Информационного агентства Credinform: 30% скидка на маркетинговые обзоры!
При покупке любого из предложенных только в декабре 2012г. исследований Вы сэкономите тысячи рублей, воспользовавшись скидкой 30%.

11 Января 2010

Антикризисная оперативная сводка по рынку очистных сооружений
Аналитическим подразделением ИА «Трейд.Су» - агентством «Бизнес-Монитор» был проанализирован рынок очистных сооружений Москвы, Московской области, а также Брянской, Калужской и Тверской областей.

26 Декабря 2009

Российский рынок мельниц для разрешения проблемы мокрой дезагрегации дисперсных частиц на протяжении 2007 - 2008 годов демонстрировал стабильную динамику развития. По сравнению с 2007г. рынок вырос примерно на 15%.
В развитии рынка мельниц в 2007 - 2008 годах действовал ряд тенденций и трендов: стабильно высокий спрос со стороны основных потребляющих отраслей (лакокрасочной, строительной, химической, рудной и нерудной, керамической).


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Russian and World Market for OSB-Plates

География исследования: Россия
Количество страниц: 178
Стоимость, руб.: 67 500
Способ предоставления: электронный

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Содержание отчёта
     1.1. Background
     1.2. Key Research Areas
     1.3. Methodology
     1.4. Management Summary
       Global OSB Production
       Russian OSB Imports
       Russian OSB Market
     2.1. Subject Definition
     2.2. OSB Plates Classification
      2.2.1. Classification According to Moisture-Resistance and Rigidity
     2.3. Production of OSB Plates
     2.4. Performance Standards of OSB Plates
     3.1.  GDP
     3.2.   Industrial Production Index
     3.3.  Foreign Trade
     3.4.  Forecast of Economy Development for 2011-2013
     4.1. Production Trends
      4.1.1. Europe
      4.1.2. North America
      4.1.3. Cis
     4.2. World Imports of OSB
      4.2.1. Europe
      4.2.2. North America
      4.2.3. Cis Countries
      4.2.4. World Imports Value
     4.3. World OSB Exports
      4.3.1. Europe
      4.3.2. North America
      4.3.3. World Exports Value
     4.4. OSB Consumption
      4.4.1. Europe
      4.4.2. North America
     5.1. Customs Duties
     5.2. Import Trends
     5.3. Imports Structure
      5.3.1. By Country of Origin
      5.3.2. By Manufacturer
      5.3.3. By Importer
        Structure of Imports by Importing Company
        Imports of Top OSB Manufacturers by Importing Company
     5.4. Contract Purchasing Prices For Imported OSB Plates
      5.4.1. By Country of Origin
      5.4.2. By Manufacturer
     6.1. Market Trends
     6.2. Factors and Challenges of Market Development
      6.2.1. Development Problems
      6.2.2. Housing Construction
      6.2.3. Wood Housing Construction
     6.3. Forecast for 2011-2013
     7.1. Bolderaja
     7.2. Norbord
     7.3. Glunz
     7.4. Arbec Forest Products
     7.5. Louisiana Pacific
     7.6. Kronopol
     7.7. Egger
     7.8. Kronospan
     7.9. Langboard
     7.10. Ainsworth
     7.11. Comparative Analysis of OSB by Major Producers
      7.11.1. Technical Information
      7.11.2. Prices
     8.1. Machinery Suppliers for OSB Production
      8.1.1. Siempelkamp
      8.1.2. Dieffenbacher
     8.2. Economic Analysis of OSB Production in Russia
      8.2.1. Preconditions for Successful Organization of OSB Production
      8.2.2. Investments and Payback Period of the OSB Production
      8.2.3. Risk Assessment

    Figure 1.  Production of GDP, 1995-2010, Current Prices; Billion Rubles
    Figure 2.  Physical Volume Indices of GDP, 2000-2010, at Constant Prices; % of the Corresponding Period of Previous Year
    Figure 3.  Physical Volume Indices of GDP by Economic Activity, 2009-2010, at Constant Prices; % of the Corresponding Period of Previous Year
    Figure 4.  Industrial Production Index, 1992-2010, as % of the Corresponding Month of Previous Year
    Figure 5.  Dynamics of Trade Surplus, Exports and Imports, 2000-2010, Billion $
    Figure 6.  Actual and Estimated Urals Oil Prices, 2005-2014, Dollars per Barrel
    Figure 7.  Main Macroeconomic Indices, 2002-2014, % of the Previous Year
    Figure 8.  Main Income Indices, 2002-2014, % of the Previous Year
    Figure 9.  OSB Production Volume in Europe, 2005-2011 (F), Thousand Cubic Meters and  %
    Figure 10.  Structure of European OSB Plates Production by Country, Volume, 2010, %
    Figure 11.  OSB Plates Production in Germany, 2005-2011(F), Thousand Cubic Meters and %
    Figure 12.  Location of OSB Production Plants in the Europe
    Figure 13.  OSB Production Volume in Canada, 2005-2011(F), thousand cubic meters and %
    Figure 14.  OSB Production Volume in the US, 2005-2011(F), thousand cubic meters and %
    Figure 15.  Location of OSB Plants in North America (USA, Canada)
    Figure 16.  Imports of OSB in Europe, 2005-2011(F), thousand cubic meters and %
    Figure 17.  Structure of European OSB Imports by Country, 2010, %
    Figure 18.  Canadian OSB Imports, 2005-2011(F), thousand cubic meters and %
    Figure 19.  US OSB Imports, 2005-2011(F), thousand cubic meters and %
    Figure 20.  OSB Imports of Kazakhstan, 2005-2011(F), thousand cubic meters and  %
    Figure 21.  Ukrainian OSB Imports, 2005-2011(F), thousand cubic meters and %
    Figure 22.  European OSB Exports, 2005-2011(F), thousand cubic meters and %
    Figure 23.  OSB Exports Structure by European Country, Volume, 2010 , %
    Figure 24.  North American OSB Exports, 2005-2011(F), thousand cubic meters and %
    Figure 25.  US OSB Exports, 2005-2011(F), thousand cubic meters and  %
    Figure 26.  OSB Apparent Consumption in Europe, 2009-2011(F), thousand cubic meters and %
    Figure 27.  European OSB Apparent Consumption Structure by Country, Volume, 2010, %
    Figure 28.  OSB Apparent Consumption in the US, 2005-2011 (F), thousand cubic meters and  %
    Figure 29.  Apparent Consumption of OSB in Canada, 2005-2011 (F), thousand cubic meters and  %
    Figure 30.  OSB Imports to the Russian Market, 2007-6М 2011, thousand cubic meters and  %
    Figure 31.  OSB Imports to the Russian Market, 2007-6М 2011, $1,000 and  %
    Figure 32.  OSB Imports to the Russian Market, 2007-6М 2011, metric tons and  %
    Figure 33.  Russian OSB Imports Structure Dynamics by Major Country of Origin, Value, 2007-6М 2011, %
    Figure 34.  Russian OSB Imports Structure Dynamics by Major Country of Origin, Volume (m3), 2007-6М 2011, %
    Figure 35.  Russian OSB Imports Structure Dynamics by Major Country of Origin, Volume (metric tons), 2007-6М 2011, %
    Figure 36.  Imports of OSB to Russia from Top 4 Supplying Countries, 2007-2010, cubic meters
    Figure 37.  Russian OSB Imports Structure Dynamics by Major Producer, 2007-6М 2011, %
    Figure 38.  Russian OSB Imports Structure Dynamics by Major Producer, Volume(metric tons), 2007-6М 2011, %
    Figure 39.  Russian OSB Imports Structure Dynamics by Major Producer, Volume(m3), 2007-6М 2011, %
    Figure 40.  OSB Imports to Russia by Top 3 Manufacturers, 2007-6М 2011, cubic meters
    Figure 41.  Russian OSB Imports Structure by Manufacturer, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 42.  Russian OSB Imports Structure by Manufacturer, Volume and Value, 6М 2011, %
    Figure 43.  Imports of BOLDERAJA OSB Plates by Importing Company, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 44.  Imports of BOLDERAJA OSB Plates by Importing Company, Volume and Value, 2010, %, 6М 2011, %
    Figure 45.  Imports of NORBORD OSB Plates by Importing Company, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 46.  Imports of NORBORD OSB Plates by Importing Company, 6М 2011, %
    Figure 47.  Imports of GLUNZ OSB Plates by Importing Company, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 48.  Imports of GLUNZ OSB Plates by Importing Company, Volume and Value, 6М 2011, %
    Figure 49.  Imports of ARBEC FOREST PRODUCTS OSB Plates by Importing Company, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 50.  Imports of LOUISIANA-PACIFIC OSB Plates by Importer, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 51.  Imports of LOUISIANA-PACIFIC OSB Plates by Importer, Volume and Value, 6М 2011 , %
    Figure 52.  Imports of KRONOPOL OSB Plates by Importing Company, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 53.  Imports of KRONOPOL OSB Plates by Importing Company, Volume and Value, 6М 2011, %
    Figure 54.  Imports of EGGER OSB Plates by Importing Company, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 55.  Imports of EGGER OSB Plates by Importing Company, Volume and Value, 6М 2011, %
    Figure 56.  Imports of KRONOSPAN OSB Plates by Importer, Volume and Value, 2010 , %
    Figure 57.  Imports of KRONOSPAN OSB Plates by Importing Company, Volume and Value, 6М 2011, %
    Figure 58.  Imports of LANGBOARD OSB Plates by Importer, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 59.  Imports of LANGBOARD OSB Plates by Importing Company, Volume and Value, 6М 2011, %
    Figure 60.  Imports of AINSWORTH OSB Plates by Importer, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 61.  Dynamics of Contract Purchasing Prices for OSB by Top 5 Supplying Countries, 2007-6М 2011, $/cubic meter
    Figure 62.  Dynamics of OSB Contract Purchasing Prices by Top 5 Manufacturers, 2007-6М 2011, $/cubic meter
    Figure 63.  Dynamics of OSB Market in Russia, 2004-6М 2011, thousand cubic meters and million USD
    Figure 64.  Growth Rates of Russian OSB Market, Volume and Value, 2005-6М 2011, %
    Figure 65.  Dynamics of Housing Construction in Russia, 2005-2010, million m2 and %
    Figure 66.  Geographical Distribution of Housing Construction in Russia by Federal District, 2010 , %
    Figure 67.  Housing Construction in Russia by Federal District, 2009-2010, million m2
    Figure 68.  Russian Regions with Maximum Growth Rate of Housing Construction, 2010, % to 2009
    Figure 69.  Russian Regions with Minimum Growth rate of Housing Construction, 2010 , % to 2009
    Figure 70.  Comparative Dynamics between Wood Housing Construction and Individual Housing Construction , 2003-2009, %
    Figure 71.  Wood Housing Construction in Russia, 2003-2009, million m2
    Figure 72.  Share of Wooden Houses in the Structure of Individual Housing Construction , 2003-2009, %
    Figure 73.  Shares of Wooden Houses in Russia and Other Countries,  2009, %
    Figure 74.  Forecast for Housing Construction in Russia till 2013, million m2 and  %
    Figure 75.  OSB Plate Appliance in the Russian Market, %
    Figure 76.  Comparative Dynamics between Volume of Housing Construction and Russian OSB Market, 2004-2013(F), million m2 and thousand cubic meters
    Figure 77.  Location of OSB Plants with Siempelcamp Machinery in North America
    Figure 78.  Location of OSB Plants with Siempelcamp Machinery in Europe
    Figure 79.  Location of OSB Plants with Siempelcamp Machinery in New Zealand
    Figure 80.  Dynamics of the Number of Wood Board Production Plants  Equipped with Siempelkamp, 1979-2008, units
    Table 1.  Major Industries of OSB Plate Appliance
    Table 2.  Expert Evaluation and Comparative Analysis of OSB Panels with Plywood
    Table 3.  OSB Plates Classification According to Moisture-Resistance and Rigidity
    Table 4.  National Performance Standards of OSB Plates
    Table 5.  Major Parameters of Macroeconomic Forecast for 2011-2014
    Table 6.  OSB Production in Europe by Country, 2005-2011(F), Thousand Cubic Meters
    Table 7.  Imports of OSB in Europe by Country, 2005 2011 (F),  thousand cubic meters
    Table 8.  World OSB Imports by Country, 2007-2010, $1,000
    Table 9.  European OSB Exports by Country, 2005- 2011(F), thousand cubic meters
    Table 10.  Canadian OSB Exports by Destination Country, 2007-2010, $1,000
    Table 11.  US OSB Exports by Destination Country, 2007-2010, $1,000
    Table 12.  World OSB Exports by Country, Value, 2007-2010, $1,000
    Table 13.  European OSB Apparent Consumption by Country, 2005-2011(F), thousand cubic meters
    Table 14.  Customs Duties, Quotas and Licensing of OSB Plate Import/Export
    Table 15.  Russian OSB Imports, 2007-6М 2010, $1,000, metric tons, cubic meters
    Table 16.  Russian OSB Imports by Country of Origin, 2007, $1,000, cubic meters, metric tons
    Table 17.  Russian OSB Imports by Country of Origin, 2008, $1,000, cubic meters and metric tons
    Table 18.  Russian OSB Imports by Country of Origin, 2009, $1,000, cubic meters and metric tons
    Table 19.  Russian OSB Imports by Country of Origin, 2010, $1,000, cubic meters and metric tons
    Table 20.  Russian OSB Imports by Country of Origin, 6M 2011, $1,000, cubic meters and metric tons
    Table 21.  Growth Rates of OSB Imports by Country of Origin, Volume and Value, 08/07, 09/08, 10/09, 6М 11/6М 10, %
    Table 22.  Russian OSB Imports by Manufacturer, 2007, $1,000, cubic meters, metric tons
    Table 23.  Russian OSB Imports by Manufacturer, 2008, $1,000, cubic meters, metric tons
    Table 24.  Russian OSB Imports by Manufacturer, 2009, $1,000, cubic meters, metric tons
    Table 25.  Russian OSB Imports by Manufacturer, 2010, $1,000, cubic meters, metric tons
    Table 26.  Russian OSB Imports by Manufacturer, 6M2011, $1,000, cubic meters, metric tons
    Table 27.  Growth Rates of OSB Imports by Major Producer, Volume and Value, 09/08, 10/09, %
    Table 28.  Russian Imports of OSB by Importing Company, 2007, $1,000, cubic meters, metric tons
    Table 29.  Russian Imports of OSB by Importing Company, 2008, $1,000, cubic meters, metric tons
    Table 30.  Russian Imports of OSB by Importing Company, 2009, $1,000, cubic meters, metric tons
    Table 31.  Russian Imports of OSB by Importing Company, 2010, $1,000, cubic meters, metric tons
    Table 32.  Russian Imports of OSB by Importing Company, 6M 2011, $1,000, cubic meters, metric tons
    Table 33.  Characteristics of OSB Imports by IST-TREID LTD (Share of Imports, Volume and Value of Imports of Major OSB Manufacturers), 2010-6М 2011, $1,000, cubic meters and shares in %
    Table 34.  Characteristics of OSB Plate Imports by SEVZAPFANERA CJSC (Share of Imports, Volume and Value of Imports of Major OSB Manufacturers), 2010, $1,000, cubic meters and shares in %
    Table 35.  Characteristics of OSB Plate Imports by SEVZAPFANERA CJSC (Share of Imports, Volume and Value of Imports of Major OSB Manufacturers), 6M2011, $1,000, cubic meters and shares in %
    Table 36.  Characteristics of OSB Plate Imports by AMC LTD (Share of Imports, Volume and Value of Imports of Major OSB Manufacturers), 2010, $1,000, cubic meters and shares in %
    Table 37.  Characteristics of OSB Plate Imports by SHINGLAS PLANT LTD (Share of Imports, Volume and Value of Imports of Major OSB Manufacturers), 2010, $1,000, cubic meters and shares in %
    Table 38.  Characteristics of OSB Plate Imports by PLITNYE MATERIALY LTD (Share of Imports, Volume and Value of Imports of Major OSB Manufacturers), 2010, $1,000, cubic meters and shares in %
    Table 39.  Contract Purchasing Prices for Imported OSB by Country of Origin, 2007-6М 2011, $/cubic meter
    Table 40.  Contract Purchasing Prices for Imported OSB by Manufacturer, 2007-6М 2011, $/cubic meter
    Table 41.  Dynamics of Housing Construction by Largest Russian Regions, 2006-2010 , thousand m2
    Table 42.  Individual Housing Construction in Russia, 2005-2010, million m2
    Table 43.  Forecast for Russian OSB Market, 2009-2013(F), thousand cubic meters and  %
    Table 44.  Dimensions of OSB Manufactured by BOLDERAJA
    Table 45.  General properties of BOLDERAJA OSB plates according to the European standard EN-300
    Table 46.  Properties for Load Bearing Boards for Use in Dry Conditions (OSB/2)
    Table 47.  Properties for load- bearing boards for use in humid conditions (type OSB/3)
    Table 48.  Properties for NORBORD OSB Plate
    Table 49.  NORBORD OSB Plate Dimensions
    Table 50.  Properties of NORBORD plates
    Table 51.  Properties of GLUNZ AGEPAN OSB Plates
    Table 52.  Properties of GLUNZ AGEPAN OSB plate
    Table 53.  Dimensions of ARBEC FOREST PRODUCTS INC OSB
    Table 54.  Dimensions of LOUISIANA PACIFIC (LP) OSB
    Table 55.  Properties of LOUISIANA PACIFIC (LP) OSB
    Table 56.  Dimensions of KRONOPOL OSB
    Table 57.  Properties of KRONOPOL OSB Plate according to European EN-300 and Polish Standards PN-EN 300
    Table 58.  Dimensions of EGGER Eurostrand OSB\3
    Table 59.  Properties of  OSB EUROSTRAND by  EGGER
    Table 60.  Dimensions of KRONOSPAN OSB
    Table 61.  Properties of OSB SUPERFINISH by KRONOSPAN
    Table 62.  Dimensions of  LANGBOARD OSB
    Table 63.  Dimensions of AINSWORTH LUMBER OSB
    Table 64.  Comparative Analysis of OSB Plates Manufactured by TOP Producers
    Table 65.  Comparative Analysis of OSB Plates Produced in Europe and the US
    Table 66.  Comparative Analysis of OSB Prices by the Largest Producers
    Table 67.  Wood Board Production Plants  Equipped with Siempelkamp Machinery
    Table 68.  Enterprises and Divisions of  Dieffenbacher Group of Companies
    Table 69.  SWOT-analysis

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