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25 Декабря 2012

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11 Января 2010

Антикризисная оперативная сводка по рынку очистных сооружений
Аналитическим подразделением ИА «Трейд.Су» - агентством «Бизнес-Монитор» был проанализирован рынок очистных сооружений Москвы, Московской области, а также Брянской, Калужской и Тверской областей.

26 Декабря 2009

Российский рынок мельниц для разрешения проблемы мокрой дезагрегации дисперсных частиц на протяжении 2007 - 2008 годов демонстрировал стабильную динамику развития. По сравнению с 2007г. рынок вырос примерно на 15%.
В развитии рынка мельниц в 2007 - 2008 годах действовал ряд тенденций и трендов: стабильно высокий спрос со стороны основных потребляющих отраслей (лакокрасочной, строительной, химической, рудной и нерудной, керамической).


Сельское хозяйство

Russian Agricultural Machinery Market

География исследования: Россия
Количество страниц: 257
Стоимость, руб.: 67 500
Способ предоставления: электронный

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Содержание отчёта
  • 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY1.1. Key Research Areas1.2. Methodology1.3. Management SummaryRussian and World Agricultural Machinery IndustryTechnical Equipment of the Russian Agricultural IndustryRussian Agricultural Machinery MarketAgricultural TractorsCombinesTillage MachinerySoil Cultivation MachineryPlanting MachineryHay Harvesting Machinery2. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY CLASSIFICATION3. RUSSIAN ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT AND FORECAST FOR 2011-20133.1. GDP3.2. Industrial Production Index3.3. Foreign Trade3.4. Forecast of Economy Development for 2011-20134. RUSSIAN AND WORLD AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY INDUSTRY4.1. World Agricultural Machinery Industry4.2. Russian Agricultural Machinery Industry4.3. Technical Equipment of the Russian Agricultural Industry4.3.1. Availability of Basic Machinery Types in Agricultural Organizations4.3.2. Availability of Agricultural Machinery per 1,000 Ha of Arable Land4.3.3. Condition of Agricultural Machinery Fleet in Russia4.4. Challenges of Agricultural Machinery Development in Russia5. RUSSIAN AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY MARKET5.1. Production of Agricultural Machinery in Russia5.1.1. Production Overview5.1.2. Production of Parts and Components for Agricultural Machinery5.2. Imports of Agricultural Machinery5.2.1. Imports Overview5.2.2. Imports Structure by Type of Machinery5.3. Exports of Agricultural Machinery5.3.1. Exports Overview5.3.2. Exports Structure by Type of Machinery5.4. Key Market Players5.5. Russian Agricultural Machinery Market Balance6. AGRICULTURAL TRACTORS6.1. Domestic Tractor Production6.1.1. Production Overview6.1.2. Geographical Distribution of Production6.1.3. Largest Manufacturers6.2. Imports of Tractor6.2.1. Imports Overview6.2.2. Geographical Distribution of Imports6.2.3. Imports Structure by Manufacturer6.3. Exports of Tractor6.3.1. Exports Overview6.3.2. Exports Structure by Product Origin6.3.3. Exports Structure by Destination Country6.3.4. Exports Structure by Manufacturer6.4. Tractor Fleet6.4.1. Fleet Overview6.4.2. Geographical Distribution7. COMBINES7.1. Domestic Combine Production7.1.1. Production Overview7.1.2. Production Structure by Type of Combines7.1.3. Geographical Distribution of Production7.1.4. Largest Manufacturers7.2. Combine Imports7.2.1. Imports Overview7.2.2. Geographical Distribution of Imports7.2.3. Imports Structure by Product7.2.4. Imports Structure by Manufacturer7.3. Combine Exports7.3.1. Exports Overview7.3.2. Exports Structure by Product Origin7.3.3. Exports Structure by Destination Country7.3.4. Exports Structure by Product7.3.5. Exports Structure by Manufacturer7.4. Combine Fleet7.4.1. Fleet Overview7.4.2. Geographical Distribution8. TILLAGE MACHINERY8.1. Domestic Production of Soil Cultivators8.1.1. Production Overview8.1.2. Geographical Distribution of Production8.1.3. Largest Manufacturers8.2. Domestic Production of Inter-Row And Row Cultivator8.2.1. Production Overview8.2.2. Geographical Distribution of Production8.3. Domestic Production of Two-Wheel Tractors and Tillers8.3.1. Production Overview8.3.2. Geographical Distribution of Production8.3.3. Largest Manufacturers8.4. Imports of Cultivators8.4.1. Imports Dynamics8.4.2. Geographical Distribution of Imports8.4.3. Imports Structure by Manufacturer8.5. Exports of Cultivators8.5.1. Exports Overview8.5.2. Exports Structure by Product Origin8.5.3. Exports Structure by Destination Country8.5.4. Exports Structure by Manufacturer8.6. Imports of Two-Wheel Tractors8.6.1. Imports Overview8.6.2. Geographical Distribution of Imports8.6.3. Imports Structure by Manufacturer8.7. Exports Of Two-Wheel Tractors8.7.1. Exports Overview8.7.2. Exports Structure by Product Origin8.7.3. Exports Structure by Destination Country8.7.4. Exports Structure by Manufacturer8.8. Tillage Machinery Fleet8.8.1. Fleet Overview8.8.2. Geographical Distribution of Fleet9. PLOWS9.1. Domestic Plow Production9.1.1. Production Overview9.1.2. Geographical Distribution of Production9.1.3. Largest Manufacturers9.2. Imports of Plows9.2.1. Imports Overview9.2.2. Geographical Distribution of Imports9.2.3. Imports Structure by Manufacturer9.3. Exports of Plows9.3.1. Exports Overview9.3.2. Exports Structure by Product Origin9.3.3. Exports Structure by Destination Country9.3.4. Exports Structure by Manufacturer9.4. Fleet of Soil Cultivation Machinery9.4.1. Fleet Overview9.4.2. Geographical Distribution of Fleet10. PLANTING MACHINERY10.1. Domestic Seeders Production10.1.1. Production Overview10.1.2. Geographical Distribution of Production10.1.3. Largest Manufacturers10.2. Imports of Seeders10.2.1. Imports Overview10.2.2. Geographical Distribution of Imports10.2.3. Imports Structure by Manufacturer10.3. Exports of Seeders10.3.1. Exports Overview10.3.2. Exports Structure by Product Origin10.3.3. Exports Structure by Destination Country10.3.4. Exports Structure by Manufacturer10.4. Fleet of Planting Machinery10.4.1. Fleet Overview10.4.2. Geographical Distribution of Fleet11. HAY HARVESTING MACHINERY11.1. Domestic Mower Production11.1.1. Production Overview11.1.2. Geographical Distribution of Production11.1.3. Largest Manufacturers11.2. Imports of Mowers11.2.1. Imports Overview11.2.2. Geographical Distribution of Imports11.2.3. Imports Structure by Manufacturer11.3. Exports of Mowers11.3.1. Exports Overview11.3.2. Exports Structure by Product Origin11.3.3. Exports Structure by Destination Country11.3.4. Exports Structure by Manufacturer11.4. Fleet of Hay Harvesting Machinery11.4.1. Fleet Overview11.4.2. Geographical Distribution of Fleet12. COMPANY PROFILES OF LARGEST RUSSIAN MANUFACTURERS12.1. SAREX JSC12.1.1. General Information12.1.2. Structure12.1.3. Range of Products12.1.4. Financial Information12.2. CHELYABINSKIY TRAKTORNYJ ZAVOD-URALTRAK LTD12.2.1. General Information12.2.2. Structure12.2.3. Range of Products12.2.4. Financial Information12.3. ROSTSELMASH LTD12.3.1. General Information12.3.2. Structure12.3.3. Range of Products12.3.4. Financial InformationABOUT GLOBAL REACH CONSULTING (GRC)

    Figure 1.  Agricultural Machinery Classification
    Figure 2.  Production of GDP, 1995-2010, Current Prices; Billion Rubles
    Figure 3.  Physical Volume Indices of GDP, 2000-2010, at Constant Prices; % of the Corresponding Period of Previous Year
    Figure 4.  Physical Volume Indices of GDP by Economic Activity, 2009-2010, at Constant Prices; % of the Corresponding Period of Previous Year
    Figure 5.  Industrial Production Index, 1992-2010, as % of the Corresponding Month of Previous Year
    Figure 6.  Dynamics of Trade Surplus, Exports and Imports, 2000-2010, Billion $
    Figure 7.  Actual and Estimated Urals Oil Prices, 2005-2014, Dollars per Barrel
    Figure 8.  Main Macroeconomic Indices, 2002-2014, % of the Previous Year
    Figure 9.  World Agricultural Machinery Market Structure by Manufacturer, 2010 (Est.), % (revenue) 
    Figure 9.  Main Income Indices, 2002-2014, % of the Previous Year
    Figure 10.  Available Types of Machinery in the Agricultural Organizations in Russia, 2005-2010, 1,000 Units
    Figure 11.  Tractors per 1,000 Ha of Arable Land in  Agricultural Organizations in Russia, 2005-2010, Units
    Figure 12.  Combine Harvesters per 1,000 Ha of Arable Land in Agricultural organizations in Russia, 2005-2010, Units
    Figure 13.  Ratios of Agricultural Machinery Renovation per Year by Type of Machinery (Newly Commissioned Machinery in % to Available Machinery at the End of the Year), 2005-2010
    Figure 14.  Ratios of Agricultural Machinery Decommission per Year by Type of Machinery (Decommissioned Machinery in % to Available Machinery at the Beginning of the Year), 2005-2010
    Figure 15.  Investments in R&D, % of sales, 2008-2009 average
    Figure 16.  Tractor Production Dynamics in Russia, 2005-2011(F), Units and  %
    Figure 17.  Tractors Production Structure by Federal District, 2010, % and units
    Figure 18.  Tractors Production Structure by Russian Region, 2010, %
    Figure 19.  Shares of Largest Russian Manufacturers in Tractor Production, 2009, %
    Figure 20.  Tractor Imports Dynamics, Volume, 2007 -2010, units and  %
    Figure 21.  Tractor Imports Dynamics, Value, 2007-2010, Million USD and  %
    Figure 22.  Geographical Distribution of Imports by Country of Origin, 2010, %
    Figure 23.  Tractor Imports Dynamics by Major Country, Volume,  2009 - 2010, units
    Figure 24.  Tractor Imports Structure by Manufacturer, Volume,  2010, %
    Figure 25.  Tractor Imports Structure by Manufacturer, Value, 2010,% 
    Figure 26.  Tractors Exports Dynamics, Volume, 2007-2010, units and  %
    Figure 27.  Tractors Exports Dynamics, Value, 2007-2010, million USD and  %
    Figure 28.  Tractor Exports Structure by Product Origin, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 29.  Geographical Distribution of Tractors Exports by Destination Country, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 30.  Tractors Exports Structure by Manufacturer, Volume, 2010, %
    Figure 31.  Tractors Exports Structure by Manufacturer, Value, 2010, %
    Figure 32.  Dynamics of Tractor Fleet in the Agricultural Organizations, 2005-2010, 1,000 units and  %
    Figure 33.  Geographical Distribution of Tractors Fleet by Federal District, 2010,% and units
    Figure 34.  Combines Production Dynamics in Russia, 2005-2011(F), Units and  %
    Figure 35.  Combines Production Structure by type of Combines , 2005-2010, %
    Figure 36.  Combine Production Structure by Federal District, 2010, % and units
    Figure 37.  Combine Production Structure by Russian Region, 2010 , %
    Figure 38.  Shares of Largest Russian Manufacturers in Combine Production Structure, 2009, %
    Figure 39.  Combine Imports Dynamics, Volume, 2007-2010, units and  %
    Figure 40.  Combine Imports Dynamics, Value, 2007-2010, million USD and  %
    Figure 41.  Geographical Distribution of Combine Imports by Country of Origin, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 42.  Comparative Analysis Of Combine Imports Dynamics by Major Country, Volume, 2009-2010, units
    Figure 43.  Combine Imports Dynamics by Product (Combine Harvesters and Forage Harvesters), Volume and Value, 2009-2010, %
    Figure 44.  Combine Imports Structure by Manufacturer, Volume, 2010, %
    Figure 45.  Combine Imports Structure by Manufacturer, Value, 2010, %
    Figure 46.  Combine Exports Dynamics, Volume, 2007-2010, units and  %
    Figure 47.  Combine Exports Dynamics, Value, 2007-2010, million USD and  %
    Figure 48.  Geographical Distribution of Combine Exports by Product Origin, 2010, Volume, %
    Figure 49.  Geographical Distribution of Combine Exports by Destination Country, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 50.  Combine Exports Dynamics by Product (Combine Harvesters and Forage Harvesters), 2009-2010, %, Volume and Value
    Figure 51.  Combine Exports Structure by Manufacturer, Volume, 2010, %
    Figure 52.  Combine Exports Structure by Manufacturer, Value, 2010, %
    Figure 53.  Dynamics of Combine Fleet in Agricultural Organizations, 2005-2010, 1,000 Units and  %
    Figure 54.  Geographical Distribution of Combine Fleet by Federal District, 2010,% and units
    Figure 55.  Soil Cultivator Production Dynamics in Russia, 2005-2011(F), units and  %
    Figure 56.  Soil Cultivator Production Structure by Federal District, 2010, % and units
    Figure 57.  Soil Cultivator Production Structure by Russian Region, 2010, %
    Figure 58.  Shares of Largest Russian Manufacturers in Soil Cultivator Production, 2009, %
    Figure 59.  Production Dynamics of Inter-Row and Row Cultivator in Russia, 2009-4M 2011, units and  %
    Figure 60.  Inter-Row and Row Cultivator Production Structure by Federal District, 2010, % and units
    Figure 61.  Two-Wheel Tractor and Tiller Production Dynamics, 2009-  2011(F), units and  %
    Figure 62.  Two-Wheel Tractor and Tiller Production Structure by Federal District, 2010, % and units
    Figure 63.  Two-Wheel Tractor and Tiller Production Structure by Russian Region,  2010, %
    Figure 64.  Shares of Largest Manufacturers in Two-Wheel Tractor and Tiller Production, 2009, %
    Figure 65.  Cultivator Imports Dynamics, Volume,  2007-2010, units and  %
    Figure 66.  Cultivator Imports Dynamics, Value, 2007-2010, million USD and  %
    Figure 67.  Geographical Distribution of Cultivator Imports by Country of Origin, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 68.  Cultivator Imports Structure by Manufacturer, Volume,  2010 , %
    Figure 69.  Cultivator Imports Structure by Manufacturer, Value, 2010, %
    Figure 70.  Cultivator Exports Dynamics, Volume, 2007-2010, units and  %
    Figure 71.  Cultivator Exports Dynamics, Volume, 2007-2010, million USD and  %
    Figure 72.  Cultivator Exports by Product Origin, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 73.  Geographical Distribution of Cultivator Exports by Destination Country, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 74.  Cultivator Exports Structure by Manufacturer, Volume, 2010, %
    Figure 75.  Cultivator Exports Structure by Manufacturer, Value, 2010, %
    Figure 76.  Two-Wheel Tractor Imports Dynamics, Volume, 2007-2010, units and  %
    Figure 77.  Two-Wheel Tractor Imports Dynamics, Value, 2007-2010, $1,000 %
    Figure 78.  Geographical Distribution of Two-Wheel Tractor Imports by Country of Origin, Volume and Value 2010, %
    Figure 79.  Rototillers Imports Structure by Manufacturer, Volume, 2010, %
    Figure 80.  Rototillers Imports Structure by Manufacturer, Value, 2010, %
    Figure 81.  Two-Wheel Tractor Exports Dynamics, Volume, 2007-2010, units and  %
    Figure 82.  Two-Wheel Tractor Exports Dynamics, Value, 2007-2010, $1,000 and  %
    Figure 83.  Two-Wheel Tractor Exports by Country of Origin, Volume and Value,2010, %
    Figure 84.  Geographical Distribution of Two-Wheel Tractor Exports by Destination Country, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 85.  Two-Wheel Tractor Exports Structure by Manufacturer, Volume, 2010, %
    Figure 86.  Two-Wheel Tractor Exports Structure by Manufacturer, Volume, 2010, %
    Figure 87.  Dynamics of Tillage Machinery Fleet in Agricultural Organizations, 2005-2010, 1,000 Units and  %
    Figure 88.  Geographical Distribution of Tillage Machinery Fleet by Federal District, Volume,2010, % and units
    Figure 89.  Plow Production Dynamics in Russia, 2005-2011(F), units and  %
    Figure 90.  Plow Production Structure by Federal District, Volume,  2010, % and units
    Figure 91.  Plow Production Structure by Russian Region, Volume, 2010, %
    Figure 92.  Shares of Largest Russian Manufacturers in Plow Production, 2009, %
    Figure 93.  Plow Imports Dynamics, Volume, 2007-2010, units and  %
    Figure 94.  Plow Imports Dynamics, Value, 2007-2010, $1,000 and  %
    Figure 95.  Geographical Distribution of Plow Imports by Country of Origin, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 96.  Plow Imports Structure by Manufacturer, Volume, 2010, %
    Figure 97.  Plow Imports Structure by Manufacturer, Value, 2010, %
    Figure 98.  Plow Exports Dynamics, Volume, 2007-2010, units and  %
    Figure 99.  Plow Exports Dynamics, Value, 2007-2010, $1,000 and %
    Figure 100.  Exports of Plows by Product Origin, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 101.  Geographical Distribution of Plow Exports by Destination Country, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 102.  Plow Exports Structure by Manufacturer, Volume, 2010, %
    Figure 103.  Plow Exports Structure by Manufacturer, Value, 2010, %
    Figure 104.  Dynamics of Soil Cultivation Machinery Fleet in Agricultural Organizations, 2005-2010, 1,000 units and  %
    Figure 105.  Geographical Distribution of Soil Cultivation Machinery Fleet by Federal District, 2010, % and units
    Figure 106.  Domestic Seeders Production Dynamics, 2005-2011(F), units and  %
    Figure 107.  Seeder Production Structure by Federal District, 2010, % and units
    Figure 108.  Seeder Production Structure by Russian Region, 2010, %
    Figure 109.  Shares of Largest Russian Manufacturers in Seeder Production, 2009, %
    Figure 110.  Seeder Imports Dynamics, Volume, 2007-2010, units and  %
    Figure 111.  Seeder Imports Dynamics, Value, 2007-2010, million USD and  %
    Figure 112.  Geographical Distribution of Seeder Imports by Country of Origin, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 113.  Seeder Imports Structure by Manufacturer, Volume, 2010, %
    Figure 114.  Seeder Imports Structure by Manufacturer, Value, 2010, %
    Figure 115.  Seeders Exports Dynamics, Volume, 2007-2010, units and  %
    Figure 116.  Seeders Exports Dynamics, Value, 2007-2010, million USD and  %
    Figure 117.  Seeder Exports by Product Origin, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 118.  Geographical Distribution of Seeder Exports by Destination Countries, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 119.  Seeder Exports Structure by Manufacturer, Volume, 2010, %
    Figure 120.  Seeder Exports Structure by Manufacturer, Value, 2010 , %
    Figure 121.  Dynamics of Planting Machinery Fleet in Agricultural Organizations, 2005-2010, 1,000 units and %
    Figure 122.  Geographical Distribution of Planting Machinery Fleet by Federal District, 2010,% and units
    Figure 123.  Mowers Production Dynamics, Volume, 2005-2011(F), units and  %
    Figure 124.  Mowers Production Structure by Federal District, 2010, % and units
    Figure 125.  Mowers Production Structure by Russian Region, 2010, %
    Figure 126.  Shares of Largest Russian Manufacturers in Mower Production, 2009, %
    Figure 127.  Mower Imports Dynamics, Volume, 2007-2010, units and  %
    Figure 128.  Mower Imports Dynamics, Value, 2007-2010, million USD and %
    Figure 129.  Geographical Distribution of Mowers Imports by Country of Origin, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 130.  Mower Imports Structure by Manufacturer, Volume, 2010, %
    Figure 131.  Mower Imports Structure by Manufacturer, Value, 2010, %
    Figure 132.  Mower Exports Dynamics, Volume, 2007-2010, units and  %
    Figure 133.  Mower Exports Dynamics, Value, 2007-2010, million USD and  %
    Figure 134.  Geographical Distribution Of Mower Exports by Product Origin, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 135.  Geographical Distribution of Mower Exports by Destination Country, Volume and Value, 2010, %
    Figure 136.  Mower Exports Structure by Manufacturer, Volume, 2010 , %
    Figure 137.  Mower Exports Structure by Manufacturer, Value, 2010, %
    Figure 138.  Dynamics of Hay Harvesting Machinery Fleet in Agricultural Organizations, 2005-2010, 1000 units and  %
    Figure 139.  Geographical Distribution of Hay Harvesting Machinery Fleet by Federal District, 2010,% and units
    Table 1.  Major Parameters of Macroeconomic Forecast for 2011-2014
    Table 2.  Product Range of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers
    Table 3.  Major Financial Ratios of the Largest Market Players in 2009
    Table 4.  Comparative Analysis of Major Characteristics of Russian and Foreign Machinery
    Table 5.  Stages of  Transition to the Modern Machinery Output Program
    Table 6.  Available Types of Machinery in the Agricultural Organizations in Russia, 2005-2010, 1,000 Units
    Table 7.  Tractors and Grain Combines per 1,000 Ha of Arable Land in Agricultural Organizations In Russia, 2005-2010, Units
    Table 8.  Newly Commissioned Agricultural Machinery in Russia by Regions, 2010, units
    Table 9.  Agricultural Machinery Production Dynamics in Russia by Type of Machinery, 2005-2010, Units
    Table 10.  Characteristics of Parts and Components for Agricultural Machinery Production in Russia, 2010
    Table 11.  Agricultural Machinery Imports Volume by Type of Machinery, 2007-2010, units
    Table 12.  Agricultural Machinery Imports Value by Type of Machinery, 2007-2010 , $1,000
    Table 13.  Agricultural Machinery Imports by HS Codes, 2010, Units and $1,000
    Table 14.  Agricultural Machinery Exports Volume by Type of Machinery, 2007 – 2010, Units
    Table 15.  Agricultural Machinery Exports Value by Type of Machinery, 2007 – 2010, $1,000
    Table 16.  Agricultural Machinery Exports by HS Codes, 2010, Units and $1,000
    Table 17.  Characteristics of the Key Players on the Russian Agricultural Machinery Market, 2009
    Table 18.  Russian Agricultural Machinery Market Balance by Major Segments, 2007-2010, Units and  %
    Table 19.  Tractors Production Dynamics by Federal District, 2006-4М 2011, units
    Table 20.  Tractors Production Dynamics by Russian Region, 2006-4М 2011, units
    Table 21.  Russian Tractor Production Dynamics by Manufacturer, 2005-2009, Units
    Table 22.  Tractor Imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Volume, 2008-2010, units
    Table 23.  Tractors Imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Value, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 24.  Tractors Imports Dynamics by Manufacturer, Volume, 2008-2010, units.
    Table 25.  Tractor Imports Dynamics by Manufacturer in Value Terms, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 26.  Tractor Exports Dynamics by Product Origin, Volume,  2008-2010, units
    Table 27.  Tractor Exports Dynamics by Product Origin, Value, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 28.  Tractor Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Volume, 2008-2010, units
    Table 29.  Tractor Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Value, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 30.  Tractors Exports Dynamics by Manufacturer, Volume, 2008-2010, units
    Table 31.  Tractors Exports Dynamics by Manufacturer, Value, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 32.  Tractor Fleet by Russian Region, 2009-2010, units
    Table 35.  Russian Combine Production Dynamics by Manufacturer, 2005-2009, Units
    Table 36.  Combine imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Volume, 2008-2010, units
    Table 37.  Combine imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Value, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 38.  Combine Imports Dynamics  by Manufacturer, Volume, 2008-2010, units
    Table 39.  Combine Imports Dynamics  by Manufacturer, Value, 2008-2010, units
    Table 40.  Combine Exports Dynamics by Product Origin, Volume and Value, 2008-2010, units and $1,000
    Table 41.  Combine Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Volume, 2008-2010, units
    Table 42.  Combine Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Value, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 43.  Combine Exports Dynamics by Manufacturer, Volume and Value, 2008-2010, units and $1,000
    Table 44.  Combine Fleet Dynamics in Agricultural Organizations by Type of Machine, 2005-2010, 1,000 units
    Table 45.  Combine Fleet by Russian Region by Type of Combine (Combine Harvesters, Forage Harvesters and Potato Harvesters), 2009-2010, units
    Table 46.  Soil Cultivator Production Dynamics by Federal District, 2006-4М 2011, units
    Table 47.  Soil Cultivator Production Dynamics by Russian Region, 2006-4М 2011, units
    Table 48.  Russian Soil Cultivator Production Dynamics by Manufacturer, 2005-2009, Units
    Table 49.  Inter-Row and Row Cultivator Production Dynamics by Federal District and Russian Regions, 2009-4М 2011, units
    Table 50.  Two-Wheel Tractor and Tiller Production Dynamics by Federal District, 2009-4М 2011, units
    Table 51.  Two-Wheel Tractor and Tiller Production Dynamics by Russian Region, 2009- 4М 2011, units
    Table 52.  Russian Two-Wheel Tractor and Tiller Production Dynamics by Manufacturer, 2005-2009, units
    Table 53.  Cultivator Imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Volume, 2008-2010, units
    Table 54.  Cultivator Imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Value, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 55.  Cultivator Imports by Manufacturer, Volume and Value, 2010, units and $1,000
    Table 56.  Cultivator Exports Dynamics by Product Origin, Volume and Value, 2008-2010, units and $1,000
    Table 57.  Cultivator Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Volume, 2008-2010, units
    Table 58.  Cultivator Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Value, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 59.  Cultivator Exports Dynamics by Manufacturer, Volume, 2008-2010, units
    Table 60.  Cultivator Exports Dynamics by Manufacturer, Value, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 61.  Rototiller Imports Dynamics, Volume and Value, 2008-2010, units and $1,000
    Table 62.  Rototillers Imports by Manufacturer, Volume and Value, 2010, units and $1,000
    Table 63.  Two-Wheel  Tractor Exports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Volume and Value, 2008-2010, units and $1,000
    Table 64.  Two-Wheel Tractor Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Volume, 2008-2010, units
    Table 65.  Two-Wheel Tractor Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Value, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 66.  Two-Wheel Tractor Exports Dynamics by Manufacturer, Volume, 2008- 2010, units
    Table 67.  Two-Wheel Tractor Exports Dynamics by Manufacturer, Value, 2008- 2010, $1,000
    Table 68.  Tillage Machinery Fleet Dynamics in Agricultural Organizations by Type of Machine, 2005-2010, 1000 units
    Table 69.  Tillage Machinery Fleet by Russian Region by Type of Machinery (Hallows and Cultivators), 2009-2010, units.
    Table 70.  Plow Production Dynamics by Federal District, Volume, 2006-4М 2011, units
    Table 71.  Plow Production Dynamics by Russian Region, Volume, 2006-4М 2011, units
    Table 72.  Plow Production Dynamics by Manufacturer, 2005-2009, units
    Table 73. Plow Imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Volume, 2008-2010, units
    Table 74.  Plow Imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Volume, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 75.  Plow Imports Structure by Manufacturer, Volume and Value, 2010, units and $1,000
    Table 76.  Plow Exports Dynamics by Product Origin, Volume and Value, 2008-2010, units and $1,000
    Table 77.  Plow Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Volume, 2008- 2010, units
    Table 78.  Plow Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Value, 2008- 2010, $1,000
    Table 79.  Plow Exports Structure by Manufacturer, Volume, 2008-2010, units
    Table 80.  Plow Exports Structure by Manufacturer, Value, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 81.  Soil Cultivation Machinery Fleet by Russian Region, 2009-2010, units
    Table 82.  Seeders Production Dynamics by Federal District, 2006-  4М 2011, units
    Table 83.  Seeders Production Dynamics by Federal District, 2006-  4М 2011, units
    Table 84.  Seeders Production Dynamics by Manufacturer, 2005-2009,units
    Table 85.  Seeder Imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Volume, 2008-2010, units
    Table 86.  Seeder Imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Value, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 87.  Seeder Imports Dynamics by Manufacturer, Volume and Value, 2010, units and $1,000.
    Table 88.  Seeders Exports Dynamics by Product Origin, Volume and Value, 2008-2010, units and $1,000
    Table 89.  Seeder Exports Dynamic by Destination Country, Volume, 2008- 2010, units
    Table 90.  Seeder Exports Dynamic by Destination Country, Value, 2008- 2010, $1,000
    Table 91.  Seeder Exports Dynamics by Manufacturer, Volume, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 92.  Seeder Exports Dynamics by Manufacturer, Value, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 93.  Dynamics of Planting Machinery Fleet in Agricultural Organizations by Type of Machinery (Planters and Seeders), 2005-2010, 1,000 units
    Table 94.  Planting Machinery Fleet by Russian Region by Type of Machinery (Planters and Seeders), 2009-2010, units
    Table 95.  Mowers Production Dynamics by Federal District, 2006-  4М 2011, units
    Table 97.  Mower Production Dynamics by Manufacturer, 2005-2009, units
    Table 98.  Mower Imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Volume, 2008-2010, units
    Table 99.  Mower Imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Value, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 100.  Mower Imports by Manufacturer, Volume and Value, 2010, units and $1,000
    Table 101.  Mower Exports Dynamics by Product Origin, Volume and Value,  2008-2010, units and $1,000
    Table 102.  Mower Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Volume,  2008- 2010, units
    Table 103.  Mower Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Value, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 104.  Mower Exports Dynamics by Manufacturer, Volume, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 105.  Mower Exports Dynamics by Manufacturer, Value, 2008-2010, $1,000
    Table 106.  Dynamics of Hay Harvesting Machinery Fleet in Agricultural Organizations by Type of Machinery, 2005-2010, 1,000 units
    Table 107.  Hay Harvesting Machinery Fleet by Russian Region by Type of Machinery, 2009-2010, units
    Table 108. Balance Sheet of SAREX JSC, 2009 - 3М 2011, 1000 RUB
    Table 109.  Consolidated Profit and Loss Statement of SAREX JSC, 2009 - 3М 2011, 1000 RUB
    Table 110.  Financial ratios of SAREX JSC, 2007-2011
    Table 111.  Balance Sheet of CHELYABINSKIY TRAKTORNYJ ZAVOD-URALTRAK LTD, 2007-2009, 1000 RUB
    Table 112.  Consolidated Profit and Loss Statement of CHELYABINSKIY TRAKTORNYJ ZAVOD-URALTRAK LTD, 2007-2009, 1000 RUB
    Table 113.  Financial ratios of CHELYABINSKIY TRAKTORNYJ ZAVOD-URALTRAK LTD, 2005-2009
    Table 114.  Balance Sheet of ROSTSELMASH LTD, 2007-2009, 1000 RUB
    Table 115.  Consolidated Profit and Loss Statement of ROSTSELMASH LTD, 2007-2009, 1000 RUB
    Table 116.  Financial ratios of ROSTSELMASH LTD, 2005-2009

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