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25 Декабря 2012

Декабрьское предложение от Информационного агентства Credinform: 30% скидка на маркетинговые обзоры!
При покупке любого из предложенных только в декабре 2012г. исследований Вы сэкономите тысячи рублей, воспользовавшись скидкой 30%.

11 Января 2010

Антикризисная оперативная сводка по рынку очистных сооружений
Аналитическим подразделением ИА «Трейд.Су» - агентством «Бизнес-Монитор» был проанализирован рынок очистных сооружений Москвы, Московской области, а также Брянской, Калужской и Тверской областей.

26 Декабря 2009

Российский рынок мельниц для разрешения проблемы мокрой дезагрегации дисперсных частиц на протяжении 2007 - 2008 годов демонстрировал стабильную динамику развития. По сравнению с 2007г. рынок вырос примерно на 15%.
В развитии рынка мельниц в 2007 - 2008 годах действовал ряд тенденций и трендов: стабильно высокий спрос со стороны основных потребляющих отраслей (лакокрасочной, строительной, химической, рудной и нерудной, керамической).


Продовольствие/ пищевая промышленность

Retail and Russian retail market. FMCG distribution networks - 2013

География исследования: Россия
Количество страниц: 194
Стоимость, руб.: 134 663
Способ предоставления: электронный

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Содержание отчёта

    1.1. Population of Russia

    The largest cities

    Economic activity

    1.2. Economic situation

    Dynamics of economic development

    Stability of the state budget

    1.3. Position of Russia in the world

    Share of RF in the population of the world


    1.1.Characteristics of retail market

    1.2.Classification of retailing

    Classification by ARCPEA

    Classification by forms of property

    Classification by types of trade

    Classification by specialization

    Classification by type of organization

    Classification by the type of retail facilities

    Classification by forms of service

    Classification by sizes and principles of trade

    Classification by pricing policy


    2.1.Dynamics of the world retailing turnover by years

    3.1.World retailing of food products

    2.2.Food import

    Import dynamics

    Import structure

    2.3.Foodstuff export

    Export dynamics

    Export structure

    2.4.Trends of the world retail market


    3.1.Revenues and expenditures of the population

    Average monthly wages

    Money incomes of the population

    Consumer expenditure

    3.2.Inflation on the market of foodstuff

    3.3.Consumer expectations of the population


    4.1.Dynamics of retail trade turnover by years

    4.2.Per capita turnover of retail trade

    4.3. Structure of retail trade by federal districts

    4.4.Structure of retail trade by regions

    4.5.Structure of turnover by types of goods

    4.6.Structure of turnover by forms of property

    4.7.Structure of turnover by types of organizations


    5.1.Dynamics of commodity stock by years

    5.2.Structure of commodity stock


    6.1.Structure of commodity resources of retail trade

    6.2.Import content of certain goods in commodity resources

    7.3.Import structure by supplying countries


    7.1.Structure of retail sales outlets

    7.2.Provision with subjects of traffic and sales area


    The largest retailers by volume of sales

    The largest retailers by the number of retail facilities

    Formats of the main retailers

    Reputation of trading network


    9.1.Global network

    «METRO Cash and Carry» LLC

    «Auchan» LLC

    SPAR Russia B.V. (Spar)

    «Hyperglobus» (Globus) LLC

    «Zelgros» LLC (REWE Group)

    Billa LLC (REWE Group)

    9.2.Federal networks

    Х5 Retail Group

    «Magnit» JSC

    «OK» LLC

    «Lenta» LLC

    «DIXI Group» JSC

    «Viktoria» SC (sold)

    «Sedmoy Kontinent» JSC

    «Gorodskoy supermarket» LLC

    «Noviy Impuls - 50» LLC

    «T and K Produkty» JSC

    «Enka» LLC TC

    «Avoska-dva» LLC

    «Mosmart» JSC

    «Alye Parusa» network of supermarkets» LLC

    «Element-Trade» LLC

    «Grinn» Corporation

    «Holiday» GC

    «Maria-Ra» LLC

    «Novye Torgovye Systemy» JSC

    «Vester» GC

    «Supermarket «Kirovsky» JSC

    “Sistema regionMart” LLC

    “Sibirsky gigant” LLC

    «Intertorg» LLC

    «Lyubavushka» LLC

    «Evropa» LLC

    "Vivat-Trade» LLC

    «Ritm -2000» LLC

    «Tverskoy product» LLC


    «ORT «Universal» JSC

    «RegionTorg» LLC

    «Forward» JSC

    Matritsa-Holding” JSC

    Salut-Torg» LLC

    «Bahetle-1» LLC

    «Optovik» LLC

    «Kazansky torgoviy dom» JSC

    «Intertorg» LLC

    «Center restrukturizatsii» LTD

    «Aikai» LLC

    «Duplet» LLC

    «Radezh» LLC

    «Gulliver» JSC

    «Shad» LLC

    «MAN» LLC

    «Pallada torg» JSC

    «TVK» LLC

    «Trading network Solnechny krug» LLC

    «Ostap» GC

    «Elite» LLC

    «Lotos M» LLC

    «Troyka» LLC

    9.3.Associations and unions

    Union of independent networks of Russia

    Association of retailing companies (ARC)



    11.1.Volume of online trade market

    11.2.Methods of payment

    11.3.Advantages and disadvantages of Internet shopping

    11.4 Online trade of foodstuff


    Middle-price segment

    Low-price segment

    Consumer preferences



    12.1.Retail price structure

    12.2.Pricing policy

    Goals of pricing policy

    Pricing strategy

    Price differentiation


    Formation of consumer loyalty






  • List of schedules

    1. Dynamics of resident population number of Russia in 2000, 2005, 2010 and forecast for 2015 and 2020, ths people

    2. Dynamics of actual household disposable income in Russia in 2000-2010, %

    3. Forecast of the ratio of demographic load dynamics in 2011-2033

    4. Dynamics of number of employed and unemployed people in RF in 2006-2010, ths people

    5. Dynamics of share of the unemployed in economically active population by FD of RF in 2006-2010, %

    6. Dynamics of GDP of RF in prices of 2008 in2001-2011, billion rubles

    7. Investments into the fixed capital of RF in 2001-2010

    8. Surplus/deficit of consolidated budget of RF in 2006-2010, %

    9. Dynamics of total external debt of RF 2001-2010

    10. Dynamics of the Russian external debt structure by the main sectors in 2001-2010, %

    11. Consumer prices index in RF 2001-2010, %

    12. Share of RF in the population of the world in 2000-2010 and forecast until 2100

    13. Share of RF in the world GDP in 2000-2010 and forecast for 2011-2016

    14. Dynamics of the world volume of retail trade in 2008-2011, trl. dollars

    15. Dynamics of food import by countries in 2008-2010, mln dollars

    16. Dynamics of foodstuff export by countries of the world in 2008-2010, mln dollars

    17. Dynamics of average monthly nominal wage in 2008-2011, rubles

    18. Dynamics of real wage in 2008-2011, % to the previous year

    19. Dynamics of money incomes in 2008-2012*, billion rubles

    20. Dynamics of per capita consumer expeditures in 2008-2011, rubles/month

    21. Consumer prices index in RF in 2001-2011, %

    22. Dynamics of consumer prices index in 2008-2011, % to the previous year

    23. Change of consumer prices index by months in 2007-October 2012, % to the previous month

    24. Change of consumer prices index by months in 2009-October 2012, % to the corresponding period of the previous year

    25. Dynamics prices change evaluationby years (will increase significantly or insignificantly) in 1998-2011, % of the respondents

    26. Dynamics of prices change evaluation by quarters (will increase significantly) in 2006-2010, % of the respondents

    27. Dynamics of financial situation evaluation by years in 1998-2011 (good and very good), % of the respondents

    28. Dynamics of financial situation evaluation by years in1998-2011 (mediocre), % of the respondents

    29. Dynamics of retail turnover in Russia in 2007-2012*, mln rubles

    30. Dynamics of retail trade turnover by months in 2008-October 2012, mln rubles

    31. Dynamics of quantum index of retail trade in Russia in 2007-2012*, % to the previous year

    32. Dynamics of return of duties and taxes from retail sale to the bidget of RF in 2008-2011, mln rubles

    33. Dynamics of per capita retail trade turnover in 2007-2012*, rubles

    34. The largest regions by the volume of retail trade in 2011, mln rubles

    35. Quantum index of retail trade in regions in 2011, % to the previous year

    36. Dynamics of quantum index of retail trade by groupsof goods in 2007-2012*, % to the previous year

    37. Quantum index of retail trade by types of food products in Russia in 2011, % to the previous year

    38. Quantum index of retail trade by types of not food products in Russia in 2011, % to the previous year

    39.Dynamics of shares of markets and fairs in retail turnover in 2007-2012*, %

    40. Regions with the largest and the least shares of markets and fairs in total turnover of the region in 2011, %

    41. Dynamics of commodity stock on retailing outlets in 2007-2011, billion rubles

    42. The main categories of food stuff in the structure of commodity stock in actual prices for the end of 2011, % to the total

    43. The main categories of not edible goods in the structure of commodity stock in actual prices for the end of 2011, % to the total

    44. Structure of entities of RF by the share of retail networks turnover in total turnover of retailing in 2010 and 2011, number of entities

    45. Structure of trading outlets by formats as for November 2012

    46. Retail saes ofthe largest retailers in 2011, mln dollars

    47. Number of trading outlets of the largest retailers in 2011

    48. The number of hypermarkets belonging to the main retailers as for 1 July 2012

    49. Sales area of hypermarkets of the main retailers as for 1 July 2012, ths sq meters

    50. The number of supermarkets belonging to the main retailers as for 1 July 2012

    51. Sales area of supermarkets of the main retailers as for 1 July 2012, ths sq meters

    52. The number of discounters belonging to the main retailers as for 1 July 2012

    53. Sales area of discounters of the main retailers as for 1 July 2012, ths sq meters

    54. The number of convinience stores belonging to the main retailers as for 1 July 2012

    55. Sales area of convinience stores of the main retailers as for 1 July 2012, ths sq meters

    56. Differences in the prices of private labels and branded products, %

    57. The maximal share of private labels in the range of products and revenues depending on the format of the store, %

    58. The share of private labels in the revenues of the main trading networks in 2011, %

    59. The share of private labels in the revenues of network discounters in Russia in 2009-2011, %

    60. The share of private labels in the revenues of network convinience stores in Russia in 2009-2011, %

    61. The share of private labels in the revenues of network supermarkets in Russia in 2009-2011, %

    62. The share of private labels in the revenues of hypermarkets in Russia in 2009-2011, %

    63. Dynamics of online tarde volume in Russia in 2010-2012, billion rubles

    64. The most popular categories of goods bought online, % of those ordering to home

    65. Dynamics of the average bill in 2008-2011, % to spring 2008

    66. Dynamics of buyings frequency in 2008-2011, % to spring 2008

    67. Dynamics of retail turnover in Russia in 2009-2012*and forecast for2013-2015, mln rubles

    List of diagrams

    1. Dynamics of quantum index of retail trade by countries of the world in 2008-2010, % to the previous year

    2. Dynamics of the number of retailing outlets in countries of the world in 2007-2009, as for 1000 inhabitants

    3. The share of food products in total expenditures in countries of the world in 2010, %

    4. Import structure of products by countries in cost terms in 2010, %

    5. Change of products import structure by countries in 2008-2010, %

    6. Structure of foodstuff export in cost termsby countries in 2010, %

    7. Change of products export structure by countries in 2010, %

    8. Structure of money incomes by receipt sources in 2012*, %

    9. Change of money incomes structure by receipt sources in 2008-2012*, %

    10. Structure of money incomes use in 2012*, %

    11. Change of money incomes use in 2008-2012*, %

    12. Structure of consumer expenditures of households in I qtr of 2012, % to the total

    13. Structure of expenditures for food products and alcohol free beverages in I qtr of 2012, % to the total

    14. Consumer confidence index of Russia in 1999-September 2012, (the minimal parameters for the year)

    15. Structure of retailing turnover by federal districts in 2011, %

    16. Change of retailing turnover structure by federal districts in 2008-2011, %

    17. Dynamics of retail trade turnover by federal districts in 2008-2011, mln rubles

    18. Dynamics of quantum index of retail trade in federal districts in 2007-2011, % to the previous year

    19. Structure of retailing turnover by regions in 2011, %

    20. Change of regional structure of retailing turnoverin 2008-2011, %

    21. Change of retailing turnover structure by types of goodsin 2008-2012*, %

    22. Dynamics of quantum index of retail trade by types of food products in 2009-2012*, % to the previous year

    23. Structure of retail trade of food products by groupsof goods in 2011, %

    24. Change of food products retailing structure by groupsof goods in 2009-2011, %

    25. Dynamics of quantum index of retail trade by types of not food products in 2009-2012*, % to the previous year

    26. Structure of retail trade of not food products by groupsof goods in 2011, %

    27. Change of not food products retailing structure by groupsof goods in 2009-2011, %

    28. Structure of retailing turnover by forms of property in 2011, %

    29. Dynamics of retailing turnover by forms of propertyin 2008-2011, billion rubles

    30. Change of retailing turnover by forms of propertyin 2008-2012*, %

    31. Dynamics of shares of markets and fairs in retail turnover in federal districts in 2007-2011, %

    32. Structure of commodity stock of retailing in actual prices as for the end on 2011, %

    33. Structure of commodity stock of retailing in cost termsin 2011, %

    34. Change of retailing commodity resources structure in cost terms in 2008-2011, %

    35. The largest trading partners of Russia by import volume in 2011, mln dollars

    36. Import structure in cost terms by supplying countries in 2011, %

    37. Change of import structure in cost terms by supplying countries in 2007-2011, %

    42. Structure of Russian organizations engaged into retail trade in 2011, %

    43. Structure of small and medium-sized organizations, engaged into retail trade in 2011, %

    44. Structure of stores by types in 2011, %

    45. Structure of stores by types in 2011*, % of total sales area

    46. Structure of universal stores by types in 2011*, %

    47. Structure of universal stores by types in 2011*, % of total sales area

    48. Provision of the population with sales area in 2009-2011, sq meters per 1000 people

    49. Availability of trade outlets at the end of the year in 2009-2011, ths items

    50. Availability of trade outlets at the end of the year in 2009-2011, ths sq meters

    51. Structure of new trade outlets opening in January-September 2012, % of total number

    52. Structure of new trade outlets opening in January-September 2012, %of total area

    53. Visibility index in 2008 and 2010, cities with the population over 500 ths people

    54. Visibility index in 2008-2011, cities with the population less 500 ths people and villages

    55. Confidence index in 2010, cities with the population over 500 ths people

    56. Confidence index in 2008-2010, cities with the population less 500 ths people and villages

    57. Methods of payment, % of those ordering goods online

    58. The average sum of one order, rubles, % of people buying online

    59. Disadvantages of online shops which can make people refuse its services, %

    60. Structure of the share of the Russian retailers on the Internet, % of total number of large networks

    61. Structure of online sales of premium-class food products market in Moscow in 2011, %

    62. Structure of online sales of middle-class food products market in Moscow in 2011, %

    63. Structure of the market of food products online sales in Moscow in 2011, % of the revenues

    64. Structure of the market of food products online sales by districts of Moscow 2011, %

    65. Frequaency of buyings, % of the number of the respondents

    66. Volume of buyings, % of the number of the respondents

    67. Favourite format of the store for everyday buyings,% of the respondents

    68. Favourite format of the store for buyings for several days, % of the respondents

    69. Factors, influencing the choice of the trade outlet according to dataa of the poll in November, % of the respondents

    List of tables

    1. Population number of the largest cities of Russia according to Russian general census of 2010, ths. peop.

    2. Largest companies on the world retail market by volume of retail sales in 2010

    3. Structure of final consumption by countries in 2010, %

    4. Dynamics of provision import by countries of the world in 2008-2010, mln. dollars

    5. Dynamics of provision export by countries of the world in 2008-2010, mln. dollars

    6. Dynamics of retail trade turnover by federal districts in 2008-2010, mln. rub.

    7. Dynamics of retail trade turnover by regions in 2008-2010, mln. rub.

    8. Share of import of certain provisions in their commodity resources in 2009-2010, %

    9. Import share of certain non-foods in their commodity resources in 2009-2010, %

    10. Largest networks of drug stores in 2010

    11. Operating results for 2011, Х5 RetailGroup

    12 House trademarks of trading networks

    13. Categories of goods whenever bought through the internet, % from those who use the internet

    14. Objectives of price policy

    List of schemes

    1. Turnover of retailing by regions of RF in 2011 (map)

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