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25 Декабря 2012

Декабрьское предложение от Информационного агентства Credinform: 30% скидка на маркетинговые обзоры!
При покупке любого из предложенных только в декабре 2012г. исследований Вы сэкономите тысячи рублей, воспользовавшись скидкой 30%.

11 Января 2010

Антикризисная оперативная сводка по рынку очистных сооружений
Аналитическим подразделением ИА «Трейд.Су» - агентством «Бизнес-Монитор» был проанализирован рынок очистных сооружений Москвы, Московской области, а также Брянской, Калужской и Тверской областей.

26 Декабря 2009

Российский рынок мельниц для разрешения проблемы мокрой дезагрегации дисперсных частиц на протяжении 2007 - 2008 годов демонстрировал стабильную динамику развития. По сравнению с 2007г. рынок вырос примерно на 15%.
В развитии рынка мельниц в 2007 - 2008 годах действовал ряд тенденций и трендов: стабильно высокий спрос со стороны основных потребляющих отраслей (лакокрасочной, строительной, химической, рудной и нерудной, керамической).


Продовольствие/ пищевая промышленность

Milk and cream. Russian market of milk and cream: forecast for 2013-2016

География исследования: Россия
Количество страниц: 408
Стоимость, руб.: 74 025
Способ предоставления: электронный

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Содержание отчёта


    1.1. Population of Russia

    Number of population

    The largest cities

    Social standards of living dinamics

    Economic activity

    1.2. Economic situation

    Dynamics of economy development

    Stability of the state budget

    1.3. Position of Russia in the world

    The share of RF in the world population


    2.1. Definition and characteristics of milk

    2.2. Industrial processing of milk and milk products

    2.3. Classification of milk and milk products

    Classification of milk by technology of processing

    Classification of milk products by kinds

    Classification of milk by ARCP

    Classification of milk by ARCPEA

    Classification of milk by FEA CN

    Classification of milk RNCEA


    3.1. Production

    Production of milk

    Production structure

    3.2. Foreign trade



    3.3. Powdered milk

    3.4. Consumption of milk products

    3.5. Prices for milk products

    3.6. Trends


    4.1. Cattle stock (in general)

    Dynamics of cattle stock by years

    Structure of cattle livestock

    4.2. Dairy herd

    Dynamics by years

    Cattle stock in federal districts

    Cattle stock in regions


    5.1. Productivity of cows in Russia

    Average Russian productivity

    Productivity by kinds of farms

    Productivity in some regions of Russia

    5.2. Production of raw milk in Russia

    Dynamics by years

    Production structure by kinds of farms

    Production in federal districts

    Production in regions


    6.1. Drinking milk

    Dynamics by years

    Import content on the market

    Per capita consumption of drinking milk

    6.2. Cream

    Dynamics by years

    Import content on the market

    Per capita consumption of cream

    6.3. Powdered milk and cream

    Dynamics by years

    Import content on the market

    Per capita consumption of powdered milk

    6.4. Condensed milk and cream

    Dynamics by years

    Import content on the market

    Per capita consumption of condensed milk and cream


    7.1. Overall consumption

    Dynamics by years

    Consumption structure by federal districts

    The largest regions by overall consumption of milk and milk products in Russia

    Regions of Russia with the lowest overall consumption of milk and milk products

    Regional consumption structure

    7.2. Per capits consumption

    Dynamics by years

    Per capits consumption in regions of RF


    8.1. Drinking milk

    Dynamics by years

    Dynamics by quarters

    Retail sales in federal districts

    Retail sales in regions

    8.2. Milk drinks

    Dynamics by years

    Dynamics by quarters

    Retail sales in federal districts

    Retail sales in regions

    8.3. Powdered and condensed milk

    Dynamics by years

    Dynamics by quarters

    Retail sales in federal districts

    Retail sales in regions


    9.1. State regulations

    List of GOSTs for milk and milk products

    Control of milk products

    Powdered milk

    9.2. Support of producers and processors of milk

    Price regulations

    Quality control and adulteration combating

    «Shkolnoe moloko» program

    9.3. Foreign trade regulation

    Custom regulation


    Countries of Customs Union



    11.1. Use of production capacities

    11.2. Commissioning of new production capacities

    11.3. Drinking milk production

    Production structure by types

    Dynamics of production volumes by years

    Dynamics of production volumes by months

    Production volumes by federal districts

    Production structure by federal districts

    Production volumes in regions

    Regional production structure

    11.4. Production of liquid and pastelike milk products for early age children

    Dynamics of production volumes by years

    Dynamics of production volumes by months

    Production volumes by federal districts

    Production structure by federal districts

    Production volumes in regions

    Regional production structure

    11.5. Whole-milk products production (in milk equivalent)

    Dynamics of production volumes by years

    Dynamics of production volumes by months

    Production volumes by federal districts

    Production structure by federal districts

    Production volumes in regions

    Regional production structure

    11.6. Drinking milk production for early age children

    Dynamics of production volumes by years

    Dynamics of production volumes by months

    Production volumes by federal districts

    Production structure by federal districts

    Production volumes in regions

    Regional production structure

    11.7. Cream production

    Production structure by types

    Dynamics of production volumes by years

    Dynamics of production volumes by months

    Production volumes by federal districts

    Production structure by federal districts

    Production volumes in regions

    Regional production structure

    11.8. Powdered milk and cream production

    Production structure sukhogo moloka by types

    Dynamics of production volumes by years

    Dynamics of production volumes by months

    Production volumes by federal districts

    Production structure by federal districts

    Production volumes in regions

    Regional production structure

    11.9. Powdered baby milk production, including sour-milk

    Dynamics of production volumes by years

    Dynamics of production volumes by months

    Production volumes by federal districts and regions

    11.10. Production of condensed milk products

    Production structure by types

    Dynamics of production volumes by years

    Dynamics of production volumes by months

    Production volumes by federal districts

    Production structure by federal districts

    Production volumes in regions

    Regional production structure

    11.11. Condensed milk production

    Dynamics of production volumes by years

    Dynamics of production volumes by months

    Production volumes by federal districts

    Production structure by federal districts

    Production volumes in regions

    Regional production structure

    11.12. Production of condensed milk products with food products and additives

    Dynamics of production volumes by years

    Dynamics of production volumes by months

    Production volumes by federal districts

    Production structure by federal districts

    Production volumes in regions

    Regional production structure

    11.13. Condensed cream production

    Dynamics of production volumes by years

    Dynamics of production volumes by months

    Production volumes by federal districts and regions


    12.1. By volumes of production (up to 2009)

    Drinking milk


    Powdered milk and cream

    Condensed milk and cream

    12.2. By volumes of revenues (up to 2011)

    Production of processed liquid milk

    Production of solid forms of milk and cream

    Production of condensed milk products


    13.1. «Vimm-Bill-Dann» JSC

    Company profile

    History of the company development

    Rabnge of products, brands

    Development strategy

    13.2. «Danon Unimilk»

    Company profile

    Rabnge of products, brands

    Development strategy

    13.3. «Ehrmann»

    Company profile

    History of the company development

    Rabnge of products, brands

    Development strategy

    13.4. «Campina»

    Company profile

    History of the company development

    Rabnge of products, brands

    Development strategy

    Associations and unions



    15.1. Drinking milk and cream

    Dynamics by years

    Dynamics by months

    Export volume by countries of destination

    Export structure by countries of destination

    15.2. Powdered and condensed milk and cream

    Dynamics by years

    Dynamics by months

    Export volume by countries of destination

    Export structure by countries of destination


    16.1. Drinking milk and cream

    Dynamics by years

    Dynamics by months

    Import structure by types

    Import volume by countries of origin

    Import structure by countries of origin

    16.2. Powdered and condensed milk and cream

    Dynamics by years

    Dynamics by months

    Import volume by countries of origin

    Import structure by countries of origin


    17.1. Milk

    Drinking milk

    Liquid and pastelike milk products for early age children

    17.2. Cream

    17.3. Powdered milk and cream

    Powdered milk with fatness over 1,5%

    Powdered milk not fat

    Powdered baby milk

    17.4. Condensed milk and cream


    18.1. Drinking milk

    18.2. Powdered milk and cream

    Whole p owdered milk

    Powdered baby milk

    18.3. Condensed milk and cream



    20.1. Consumption of milk products

    20.2. The most popular brands


    21.1. «VIMM-BILL-DANN» JSC

    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Production volumes

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash flow statement



    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash flow statement



    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Production volumes

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash flow statement


    21.4. «CAMPINA» LLC

    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Production vol m mes

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash flow statement


    21.5. «Ehrmann» LLC

    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Production volumes

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash flow statement



    22.1. Drinking milk

    22.2. Cream

    22.3. Powdered milk and cream

    22.4. Condensed milk and cream


  •  List of schedules:

    1. Number of population of Russia in 1990, 2000, 2005 and 2008-2012, ths people

    2. Dynamics of resident population number of Russia in three forecast variants in 2011-2031, ths people

    3. Dynamics of actual household disposable income in Russia and annual rate of its growth in 2000-2012, %

    4. Forecast of the ratio of demographic load dynamics in 2011-2033

    5. Dynamics of number of employed and unemployed people in economically active population by federal districts of RF in 2006-2012, %

    6. Dynamics of GDP of RF in prices of 2008 in 2002-2012 and forecast for 2013-2015, billion rubles

    7. Investments into the fixed capital of RF in 2002-2012 and forecast for 2013-2015, billion rubles

    8. Surplus/deficit of consolidated budget of RF in 2006-2010, % to GDP

    9. Dynamics of total external debt of RF in 2009-2013 (as of 1 January), mln dollars

    10. Dynamics of CPI in 2006-2012 and forecast for 2013-2015, % to the corresponding period of the previous year

    11. Dynamics of the population of Russia and world in 2000-2012 and forecast up to 2100, mln people

    12. Share of RF in the world GDP in 2001-2012 and forecast for 2013-2016, %

    13. Dynamics of the world production of cow milk in 2007-2011, tons

    14. The largest producers of cow milk in 2011, mln tons

    15. Dynamics of world export of cow milk in 2007-2010, tons

    16. Producer prices for cow milk by countries of the world in 2010, dollars/ton

    17. Cattle stock in RF in 2006-2012, ths animal units

    18. Dynamics of cows stock in RF in 2006-2012, ths animal units

    19. Dairy herb stock in federal districts of RF in 2011-2012, ths animal units

    20. Dairy herb stock in the largest regions of RF in 2011-2012, ths animal units

    21. Yield of milk per cow in Russia in 1990-2012*

    22. Yield of milk per cow by kinds of farms in Russia v 1990-2012*, kg/year

    23. Russian production of raw milk in 2007-2012*, ths tons

    24. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian market of drinking milk in 2009-2012, tons

    25. Per capita consumption of drinking milk in Russia in 2009-2012, litre /person

    26. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian market of cream in 2009-2012, tons

    27. Per capita consumption of cream in Russia in 2009-2012, kg/person

    28. Volume of the Russian market of powdered milk and cream in 2009-2012, tons

    29. Per capita consumption of powdered milk and cream in Russia in 2009-2012, kg/person

    30. Volume of the Russian market of condensed milk and cream in 2009-2012, tons

    31. Per capita consumption of condensed milk and cream in Russia in 2009-2012, kg/person

    32. Dynamics of milk and milk products consumption in physical terms in Russia in 2007-2012*, ths tons

    33. The largest regions of milk and milk products consumption in Russia in 2009-2011, ths tons

    34. Regions of RF with the lowest consumption of milk and milk products in 2009-2011, ths tons

    35. Per capita consumption of milk and milk products in Russia in physical terms in 2007-2011, kg/person

    36. Retail sales of drinking milk in Russia in 2009-2012, ths rubles

    37. Dynamics of retail sales of drinking milk by quarters in 2011-2012, billion rubles

    38. Retail sales of drinking milk in federal districts of RF in 2011-2012, ths rubles

    39. Retail sales of milk drinks in Russia in 2011-2012, billion rubles

    40. Dynamics of retail sales of milk drinks by quarters in 2011-2012, billion rubles

    41. Retail sales of milk drinks in federal districts of RF in RF- 2012, ths rubles

    42. The largest regions of RF by volumes of retail sales of milk drinks in 2012, billion rubles

    43. Retail sales of powdered and condensed milk in Russia in 2009-2012, billion rubles

    44. Dynamics of retail sales of powdered and condensed milk by quarters in 2009-2012, billion rubles

    45. Retail sales of powdered and condensed milk in federal districts of RF in 2011-2012, ths rubles

    46. Use of capacities for milk production in 2000-2012, %

    47. Commissioning of capacities for milk production in RF in 2000-2012, tons/shift

    48. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of drinking milk in 2009-2012, tons

    49. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of drinking milk by months in 2009-2012, tons

    50. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of liquid and paste-like milk products for early age children in 2009-2012, tons

    51. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of liquid and paste-like milk products for early age children by months in 2009-2012, tons

    52. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of whole-milk products (in milk equivalent) in 2007-2012, tons

    53. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of whole-milk products (in milk equivalent) by months in 2007-2012, tons

    54. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of drinking milk for early age children in 2009-2012, tons

    55. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of drinking milk for early age children by months in 2009-2012, tons

    56. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of cream in 2009-2012, tons

    57. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of cream by months in 2009-2012, tons

    58. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of powdered milk and cream in 2009-2012, tons

    59. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of powdered milk and cream by months in 2009-2012, tons

    60. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of powdered baby milk mixtures, including sour-milk in 2007-2012, tons

    61. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of powdered baby milk mixtures, including sour-milk by months in 2007-2012, tons

    62. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of condensed milk products in 2007-2012, tons

    63. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of condensed milk products by months in 2007-2012, tons

    64. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of condensed milk in 2009-2012, tons

    65. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of condensed milk by months in 2009-2012, tons

    66. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of condensed milk products with food products and additives in 2009-2012, tons

    67. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of condensed milk products with food products and additives by months in 2009-2012, tons

    68. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of condensed cream in 2009-2012, tons

    69. Dynamics of Russian production volumes of condensed cream by months in 2009-2012, tons

    70. The most popular categories of products bought online, % of the orders at home

    71. Dynamics of drinking milk and cream export in 2007-2012, tons

    72. Dynamics of drinking milk and cream export in 2007-2012, ths dollars

    73. Dynamics of drinking milk and cream export by months in 2007-2012, tons

    74. Dynamics of powdered and condensed milk and cream export in 2007-2012, tons/ ths dollars

    75. Dynamics of powdered and condensed milk and cream export in 2007-2012, ths dollars

    76. Dynamics of powdered and condensed milk and cream export by months in 2007-2012, tons

    77. Dynamics of powdered and condensed milk and cream export by months in 2007-2012, ths dollars

    79. Dynamics of drinking milk and cream import in 2007-2012, ths dollars

    80. Dynamics of drinking milk and cream import by months in 2007-2012, tons

    81. Dynamics of drinking milk and cream import by months in 2007-2012, ths dollars

    82. Dynamics of powdered and condensed milk and cream import in 2007-2012, tons

    83. Dynamics of powdered and condensed milk and cream import in 2007-2012, ths dollars

    84. Dynamics of powdered and condensed milk and cream import by months in 2007-2012, tons

    85. Dynamics of powdered and condensed milk and cream import by months in 2007-2012, ths dollars

    86. Average producer prices for milk in Russia in 2010 - January 2013, rubles/ton

    87. Comparison of average producer prices for milk in Russia in 2010 i 2012, ths rubles/ton

    88. Average producer prices for liquid and paste-like milk products for early age children in Russia in 2010-2013, rubles/ton

    89. Dynamics average producer prices for liquid and paste-like milk products for early age children by months in Russia in 2010 - January 2013, rubles/ton

    90. Average producer prices for cream in Russia in 2010-2013, rubles/ton

    91. Dynamics average producer prices for cream by months in Russia in 2010 - January 2013, rubles/ton

    92. Average producer prices for powdered milk with fatness over 1,5% in Russia in 2010-2013, rubles/ton

    93. Dynamics average producer prices for powdered milk with fatness over 1,5% by months in Russia in 2010 - January 2013, rubles/ton

    94. Average producer prices for powdered milk with fatness less 1,5% in Russia in 2010-2013, rubles/ton

    95. Dynamics average producer prices for powdered milk with fatness less 1,5% by months in Russia in 2010 - January 2013, rubles/ton

    96. Average producer prices for powdered baby milk mixtures for early age children in Russia in 2010-2013, rubles/ton

    97. Dynamics average producer prices for powdered baby milk mixtures for early age children by months in Russia in 2010 - January 2013, rubles/ton

    98. Average producer prices for condensed milk products in Russia in 2010-2013, rubles/ton

    99. Dynamics average producer prices for condensed milk products by months in Russia in 2010 - January 2013, rubles/ton

    100. Average retail prices for milk and milk drinks in 2009 – January 2013, rubles/ litre

    101. Average retail prices for milk and milk drinks in 2009-2012, rubles/ litre

    102. Average retail prices for powdered whole milk in Russia in 2009-2012, rubles/kg

    103. Dynamics of average retail prices for powdered whole milk by months in Russia in 2009-2012, rubles/kg

    104. Average retail prices for powdered milk baby mixtures in Russia in 2007-2012, rubles/kg

    105. Dynamics of average retail prices for powdered milk baby mixtures by months in Russia in 2007-2012, rubles/kg

    106. Average retail prices for condensed milk with sugar in Russia in 2007-2012, rubles/400 g

    107. Dynamics of average retail prices for condensed milk with sugar by months in Russia in 2007-2012, rubles/400 g

    108. Dynamics of the share of household expenses for milk products in 2003-2012E, %

    109. The most popular brands of milk products in 2012.

    110. Change of the rating of favorite brands in 2010-2012

    111. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian market of drinking milk in 2009-2012 and forecast for 2013-2016, tons

    112. Import content on the Russian market of drinking milk in physical terms in 2009-2016*, %

    113. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian market of cream in 2009-2012 and forecast for 2013-2016, tons

    114. Import content on the Russian market of cream in physical terms in 2009-2016*, %

    115. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian market of milk and cream in 2009-2012 and forecast for 2013-2016, tons

    116. Dynamics of import content on the market of powdered milk and cream in physical terms in 2009-2016*, %

    117. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian market of condensed milk and cream in 2009-2012 and forecast for 2013-2016, tons

    118. Dynamics of import content on the market of condensed milk and cream in physical terms in 2009-2016*, %


    List of diagrams:

    1. Structure of the population of Russia in ratio to the working age in RF-2031, % (average variant of the forecast)

    2. Dynamics of the number of the employed and the unemployed in 2000-2012 and forecast for 2013-2015, mln people.

    3. Change of structure of the external debt of RF in 2009-2013 (as of January 1), %

    4. Structure of the world milk production in 2011, %

    5. Structure of the world production of cow milk by countries in 2011, %

    6. Change of structure of the world production of cow milk by countries in 2007-2011, %

    7. Structure of the world import of cow milk by countries in 2010, %

    8. Change of structure of the world import of cow milk by countries in 2007-2010, %

    9. Structure of world export of cow milk by countries in 2010, %

    10. Change of structure of world export of cow milk by countries in 2007-2010, %

    11. Structure of cattle livestock by purpose in federal districts of RF in physical terms in 2012, %

    12. Structure of cows distribution by federal districts of RF in 2012, %

    13. Regional structure of dairy herb of Russia in physical terms in 2012, %

    14. Regional structure of dairy herb of Russia in physical terms in 2011-2012, %

    15. Structure of the Russian production of raw milk by kinds of farms in physical terms in 2007-2012*, %

    16. Structure of the Russian production of raw milk by federal districts in 2012*, %

    17. Change of structure of Russian raw milk production by federal districts in 2009-2012*, %

    18. Regional structure of the Russian production of raw milk in 2012*, %

    19. Change of regional structure of Russian raw milk production in 2007-2012*, %

    20. Import content on the Russian market of drinking milk in physical terms in 2009-2012, %

    21. Import content on the Russian market of cream in physical terms in 2009-2012, %

    22. Import content on the Russian market of powdered milk and cream in physical terms in 2009-2012, %

    23. Import content on the Russian market of condensed milk and cream in physical terms in 2009-2012, %

    24. Consumption structure of milk and milk products in physical terms by federal districts of RF, %

    25. Change of structure of milk and milk products consumption in physical terms by federal districts of RF in 2007-2011, %

    26. Consumption structure of milk and milk products in physical terms by regions of RF, %

    27. Change of structure of milk and milk products consumption in physical terms by regions of RF in 2007-2011, %

    28. Structure of retail sales of drinking milk by federal districts of RF in 2012 in cost terms, %

    29. Regional structure of retail sales of drinking milk in 2012 in cost terms, %

    30. Structure of retail sales of milk drinks by federal districts of RF in cost terms in 2012, %

    31. Change of structure of retail sales of milk drinks by federal districts of RF in cost terms in 2011-2012, %

    32. Regional structure of retail sales of milk drinks in 2012 in cost terms, %

    33. Structure of retail sales of powdered and condensed milk by federal districts of RF in 2012 in cost terms, %

    34. Regional structure of retail sales of powdered and condensed milk in 2012 in cost terms, %

    35. Structure of the Russian production of drinking milk by types in 2012*, %

    36. Structure of the Russian production of drinking milk by federal districts in 2012, %

    37. Change of structure of the Russian production of drinking milk by federal districts in 2009-2012, %

    38. Regional structure of the Russian production of drinking milk in 2012, %

    39. Change of regional structure of the Russian production of drinking milk in 2009-2012, %

    40. Structure of the Russian production of liquid and paste-like milk products for early age children by federal districts in 2012, %

    41. Change of structure of the Russian production of liquid and paste-like milk products for early age children by federal districts in 2009-2012, %

    42. Regional structure of the Russian production of liquid and paste-like milk products for early age children in 2012, %

    43. Change of regional structure of the Russian production of liquid and paste-like milk products for early age children in 2009-2012, %

    44. Structure of the Russian production of whole-milk products (in milk equivalent) by federal districts in 2012, %

    45. Change of structure of the Russian production of whole-milk products (in milk equivalent) by federal districts in 2007-2012, %

    46. Regional structure of the Russian production of whole-milk products (in milk equivalent) in 2012, %

    47. Change of regional structure of the Russian production of whole-milk products (in milk equivalent) in 2007-2012, %

    48. Structure of the Russian production of drinking milk for early age children by federal districts in 2012, %

    49. Change of structure of the Russian production of drinking milk for early age children by federal districts in 2009-2012, %

    50. Regional structure of the Russian production of drinking milk for early age children in 2012, %

    51. Change of regional structure of the Russian production of drinking milk for early age children in 2009-2012, %

    52. Structure of the Russian production of cream by types in 2012*, %

    53. Structure of the Russian production of cream by federal districts in 2012, %

    54. Change of structure of the Russian production of cream by federal districts in 2009-2012, %

    55. Regional structure of the Russian production of cream in 2012, %

    56. Change of regional structure of the Russian production of cream in 2009- 2012, %

    57. Structure of the Russian production of powdered milk by types in 2012*, %

    58. Structure of the Russian production of powdered milk and cream by federal districts in 2012, %

    59. Change of structure of the Russian production of powdered milk and cream by federal districts in 2009-2012, %

    60. Regional structure of the Russian production of powdered milk and cream in 2012, %

    61. Change of regional structure of the Russian production of powdered milk and cream in 2009-2012, %

    62. Structure of the Russian production of condensed milk products by types in 2012,%

    63. Structure of the Russian production of condensed milk products by federal districts in 2012, %

    64. Change of structure of the Russian production of condensed milk products by federal districts in 2007-2012, %

    65. Regional structure of the Russian production of condensed milk products in 2012, %

    66. Change of regional structure of the Russian production of condensed milk products in 2007-2012, %

    67. Structure of the Russian production of condensed milk by federal districts in 2012, %

    68. Change of structure of the Russian production of condensed milk by federal districts in 2009-2012, %

    69. Regional structure of the Russian production of condensed milk in 2012, %

    70. Change of regional structure of the Russian production of condensed milk in 2009-2012, %

    71. Structure of the Russian production of condensed milk products with food products and additives by federal districts in 2012, %

    72. Change of structure of the Russian production of condensed milk products with food products and additives by federal districts in 2009-2012, %

    73. Regional structure of the Russian production of condensed milk products with food products and additives in 2012, %

    74. Change of regional structure of the Russian production of condensed milk products with food products and additives in 2009-2012, %

    75. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of drinking milk in 2009, %

    76. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of cream in 2009, %

    77. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of powdered milk and cream in 2009, %

    78. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian production of condensed milk and cream in 2009, %

    79. Structure enterprises distribution by production of processed liquid milk by federal districts of RF in February 2013, %

    80. Export structure of drinking milk and cream in physical terms in 2012, %

    81. Change of structure if drinking milk and cream export in physical terms in 2010-2012, %

    82. Export structure of drinking milk and cream in cost terms in 2012, %

    83. Change of structure if drinking milk and cream export in cost terms in 2010-2012, %

    84. Export structure of powdered and condensed milk and cream in physical terms in 2012, %

    85. Change of structure of powdered and condensed milk and cream export in physical terms in 2010-2012, %

    86. Export structure of powdered and condensed milk and cream in cost terms in 2012, %

    87. Change of structure of powdered and condensed milk and cream export in cost terms in 2010-2012, %

    88. Structure of the Russian drinking milk and cream import by types in 2012, %

    89. Import structure of drinking milk and cream in physical terms in 2012, %

    90. Change of structure of drinking milk and cream import in physical terms in 2007-2012, %

    91. Import structure of drinking milk and cream in cost terms in 2012, %

    92. Change of structure of drinking milk and cream import in cost terms in 2007-2012, %

    93. Import structure of powdered and condensed milk and cream in physical terms in 2012, %

    94. Change of structure of powdered and condensed milk and cream import in physical terms in 2007-2012, %

    95. Import structure of powdered and condensed milk and cream in cost terms in 2012, %

    96. Change of structure of powdered and condensed milk and cream import in cost terms in 2007-2012, %

    97. Structure of retail price for whole pasteurized milk in 2012*, %

    98. Consumption structure of milk products in 2011

    99. Structure of milk products by types on the Russian market in 2012, %


    List of schemes:

    1. Production of cow milk in the world in 2011, ton

    2. Production geography of « Vimm -Bill- Dann » company

    3. Wholesale distribution channels


    List of tables:

    1. Number of population of the largest cities of Russia according to the Census of 2002 and 2010 and January 1, 2013, ths people

    2. Production of cow milk by countries of the world in 2007-2011, tons

    3. Import volumes of cow milk by countries of the world in 2007-2010, tons

    4. Export volumes of cow milk by countries of the world in 2007-2010, tons

    5. Export of powdered milk

    6. The share of diary herb in the structure of cattle stock in regions of RF in physical terms in 2012, %

    7. Dairy herb stock in federal districts of RF in 2006-2012, ths animal units

    8. Dairy herb stock in regions of RF in 2011-2012, ths animal units

    9. Productivity of cows in regions of RF in 2010-2011, kg/year

    10. Russian production of raw milk by kinds of farms in 2007-2011, ths tons

    11. Russian production of raw milk by federal districts in 2007-2011, ths tons

    12. Russian production of raw milk by regions in 2007-2011, ths tons

    13. Consumption of milk and milk products in physical terms in Russia in 2007-2011, ths tons

    14. Consumption of milk and milk products by regions of RF in physical terms in 2007-2011, ths tons

    15. Per capita consumption of milk and milk products by regions of RF in physical terms in 2007-2011, kg/person

    16. Retail sales of drinking milk in federal districts of RF in 2011-2012, ths rubles

    17. Retail sales of drinking milk in regions of RF in 2011-2012, ths rubles

    18. Volume of retail sales of milk drinks in federal districts of RF in RF- 2012, ths rubles

    19. Volume of retail sales of milk drinks in regions of RF in 2011-2012, ths rubles

    20. Retail sales of powdered and condensed milk in federal districts of RF in 2009-2012, ths rubles

    21. Retail sales of powdered and condensed milk in regions of RF in 2009- 2012, ths rubles

    22. Volumes of the Russian production of drinking milk by months in 2009-2012, tons

    23. Volumes of the Russian production of drinking milk by federal districts in 2009-2012, tons

    24. Volumes of the Russian production of drinking milk by regions in 2009- 2012, tons

    25. Volumes of the Russian production of liquid and paste-like milk products for early age children by months in 2009-2012, tons

    26. Volumes of the Russian production of liquid and paste-like milk products for early age children by federal districts in 2009-2012, tons

    27. Volumes of the Russian production of liquid and paste-like milk products for early age children by regions in 2009-2012, tons

    28. Volumes of the Russian production of whole-milk products (in milk equivalent) by months in 2007-2012, tons

    29. Volumes of the Russian production of whole-milk products (in milk equivalent) by federal districts in 2007-2012, tons

    30. Volumes of the Russian production of whole-milk products (in milk equivalent) by regions in 2007-2012, tons

    31. Volumes of the Russian production of drinking milk for early age children by months in 2009-2012, tons

    32. Volumes of the Russian production of drinking milk for early age children by federal districts in 2009-2012, tons

    33. Volumes of the Russian production of drinking milk for early age children by regions in 2009-2012, tons

    34. Volumes of the Russian production of cream by months in 2009-2012, tons

    35. Volumes of the Russian production of cream by federal districts in 2009-2012, tons

    36. Volumes of the Russian production of cream by regions in 2009-2012, tons

    37. Volumes of the Russian production of powdered milk and cream by months in 2009-2012, tons

    38. Volumes of the Russian production of powdered milk and cream by federal districts in 2009-2012, tons

    39. Volumes of the Russian production of powdered milk and cream by regions in 2009-2012, tons

    40. Volumes of the Russian production of powdered baby milk mixtures, including sour-milk by months in 2009-2012, tons

    41. Volumes of the Russian production of powdered baby milk mixtures, including sour-milk by federal districts and regions in 2009-2012, tons

    42. Volumes of the Russian production of condensed milk products by months in 2007-2012, tons

    43. Volumes of the Russian production of condensed milk products by federal districts in 2007-2012, tons

    44. Volumes of the Russian production of condensed milk products by regions in 2007-2012, tons

    45. Volumes of the Russian production of condensed milk by months in 2009-2012, tons

    46. Volumes of the Russian production of condensed milk by federal districts in 2009-2012, tons

    47. Volumes of the Russian production of condensed milk by regions in 2009-2012, tons

    48. Volumes of the Russian production of condensed milk products with food products and additives by months in 2009-2012, tons

    49. Volumes of the Russian production of condensed milk products with food products and additives by federal districts in 2009-2012, tons

    50. Volumes of the Russian production of condensed milk products with food products and additives by regions in 2009-2012, tons

    51. Volumes of the Russian production of condensed cream by months in 2009-2012, tons

    52. Volumes of the Russian production of condensed cream by federal districts and regions in 2009-2012, tons

    53. Drinking milk production on the largest Russian enterprises in 2006-2009, tons

    54. Cream production on the largest Russian enterprises in 2006-2009, tons

    55. Production of powdered milk and cream on the largest Russian enterprises in 2006-2009, tons

    56. Condensed milk production and cream on the largest Russian enterprises in 2006-2009, tons

    57. Volumes of the revenues of the largest companies by production of processed liquid milk in RF in 2011, ths rubles

    58. Volumes of the revenues of the largest companies by production of solid forms of cream, milk and other milk products in RF in 2011, ths rubles

    59. Volumes of the revenues of the largest companies by production of condensed milk products in RF in 2011, ths rubles

    60. Range of products of milk and sour-milk products VBD

    61. Range of products of « Danone-unimilk » company

    62. Range of products of « Ehrmann »

    63. Range of products of «Campina» company

    64. Volumes of drinking milk and cream export by months in 2007-2012, tons

    65. Volumes of drinking milk and cream export by months in 2007-2012, ths dollars

    66. Volumes of drinking milk and cream export by countries of destination in 2007-2012, tons

    67. Volumes of drinking milk and cream export by countries of destination in 2007-2012, ths dollars

    68. Volumes of powdered and condensed milk and cream export by months in 2007-2012, tons

    69. Volumes of powdered and condensed milk and cream export by months in 2007-2012, ths dollars

    70. Volumes of powdered and condensed milk and cream export by countries of destination in 2007-2012, tons

    71. Volumes of powdered and condensed milk and cream export by countries of destination in 2007-2012, ths dollars

    72. Volumes of drinking milk and cream import by months in 2007-2012, tons

    73. Volumes of drinking milk and cream import by months in 2007-2012, ths dollars

    74. Volumes of drinking milk and cream import by countries of origin in 2007-2012, tons

    75. Volumes of drinking milk and cream import by countries of origin in 2007- 2012, ths dollars

    76. Volumes of powdered and condensed milk and cream import by months in 2007-2012, tons

    77. Volumes of powdered and condensed milk and cream import by months in 2007-2012, ths dollars

    78. Volumes of powdered and condensed milk and cream import by countries of origin in 2007-2012, tons

    79. Volumes of powdered and condensed milk and cream import by countries of origin in 2007-2012, ths dollars

    80. Average producer prices for milk in Russia in 2010 - January 2013, rubles/ton

    81. Average producer prices for liquid and paste-like milk products for early age children in Russia in 2010 – January 2013, rubles/ton

    82. Average producer prices for cream in Russia in 2010 - January 2013, rubles/ton

    83. Average producer prices for powdered milk with fatness over 1,5% in Russia in 2010 – January 2013, rubles/ton

    84. Average producer prices for powdered milk with fatness less 1,5% in Russia in 2010-January 2013, rubles/ton

    85. Average producer prices for powdered milk mixes for early age children in Russia in 2010 – January 2013, rubles/ton

    86. Average producer prices for condensed milk products in Russia in 2010-January 2013, rubles/ton

    87. Average retail prices for milk and milk drinks in 2011-2012, rubles/ litre

    88. Average retail prices for powdered whole milk in Russia in 2009-2012, rubles/kg

    89. Average retail prices for powdered baby milk in Russia in 2007-2012, rubles/kg

    90. Average retail prices for condensed milk with sugar in Russia in 2007-2012, rubles/400 g

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