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25 Декабря 2012

Декабрьское предложение от Информационного агентства Credinform: 30% скидка на маркетинговые обзоры!
При покупке любого из предложенных только в декабре 2012г. исследований Вы сэкономите тысячи рублей, воспользовавшись скидкой 30%.

11 Января 2010

Антикризисная оперативная сводка по рынку очистных сооружений
Аналитическим подразделением ИА «Трейд.Су» - агентством «Бизнес-Монитор» был проанализирован рынок очистных сооружений Москвы, Московской области, а также Брянской, Калужской и Тверской областей.

26 Декабря 2009

Российский рынок мельниц для разрешения проблемы мокрой дезагрегации дисперсных частиц на протяжении 2007 - 2008 годов демонстрировал стабильную динамику развития. По сравнению с 2007г. рынок вырос примерно на 15%.
В развитии рынка мельниц в 2007 - 2008 годах действовал ряд тенденций и трендов: стабильно высокий спрос со стороны основных потребляющих отраслей (лакокрасочной, строительной, химической, рудной и нерудной, керамической).


Бизнес, финансы, страхование, маркетинг и реклама

Tyco AMP & Molex Corporations Electronic Components Distributors

География исследования: Russia
Количество страниц: 20
Стоимость, руб.: 29 900
Способ предоставления: электронный

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Main research objectives are:
General analysis revealing work success of Tyco AMP and Molex Corporations electronic components (EC) distributors.

Information sources:
1. Companies press releases, branch and expert estimations of mass-media.
2. Own informational resource and extensive enterprises database of Information Agency «CredInform North-West».

General conclusions:
According to the purpose of research the following companies were studied: Tyco AMP and Molex, and also their distributors: Accent (Saint-Petersburg), Atos (Moscow), MT-System (Saint-Petersburg), Platan (Moscow), Apex (Moscow), Peterburgskaya elektronnaya kompaniya (PEC) (Saint-Petersburg), PetroInTrade (Saint Petersburg), Saranskaya elektronnaya kompaniaya (Saransk) and MIG Elektroniks (Moscow).
The comparative estimation was made according to the following parameters:
- foundation year,
- own manufacture availability,
- distributors rights,
- certificates and licenses availability,
- products,
- range of application,
- and others: providing with free-of-charge samples, catalogues, engineering specifications and support, consultations, seminars, sales networks, conditions of delivery.

The analysis of companies’ advantages shows that the majority of estimated parameters is inherent in all companies. However all primary characteristics are noted at four companies only.

At the same time there are some advantages which distinguish this or that distributor.
The comparative estimation of Tyco AMP and Molex Corporations electronic components distributors’ advantages is presented in table 1.1., and more detailed information is stated in the second paragraph.

The brief information on the leading companies of the Russian electronic components market is presented in the report as well. For more information on participants of the Russian electronic components see created by «CredInform North-West» Companies Directories in which companies are grouped using main code of Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED); and also Branch Enterprises Databases.

More detailed information on any firm can be received on-line at Agency website where in accessible form reference company data is presented not only, but also in comparative form its financial figures, foreign economic activity data and etc.

Содержание отчёта
  • Contents:

    1. Estimation of Tyco AMP and Molex Corporations electronic components distributors’ advantages
    2. Characteristic of Tyco AMP and Molex Corporations electronic components distributors
    3. Other companies - suppliers EC

  • Figures:

    1. Example of the brief supplemental information on a company
    2. Analysis of financial figures of a firm "X"
    3. Analysis of foreign trade activities of a firm "X"

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